Service programs
Functions of keys in the test program
Manual start key (first key from the left, short press of the key):
Calling up the serial interface
Operation via the serial interface is no longer possible from this
point. A change to the serial interface is only possible after the
sixth key activation.
Number of key activa-
first key activation
second key activation
third key activation
fourth key activation
fifth key activation
sixth key activation
=> The LED above key no. 1 (Manual
start/Bleed) is lit.
The input, "Delete Ext." is read in:
when contact is established, the LED
above key 4 (Alarm) is lit.
The input, "Stop" is read in: when con-
tact is established, the LED above key
3 is lit (Standby/72h).
=> Only K1 on, LED above key 1
(Manual start/Bleed) on, LED K1 on.
=> Only K2 on, LED above key 2
(Flush internal/external) on, LED K2
=> Only K3 on, LED above key 3
(Standby/72h) on.
=> All display LEDs are lit in succes-
sion and then simultaneously. The
input valve opens, all relays operate,
the rotating field operates, the measur-
ing LEDs are switched on, the pump is
operating and 20mA are supplied at the
power interface.
=> Everything is switched off and the
power interface supplies 5 mA. The
POWER LED and the threshold LED
"Measurement good" flash.