Danfoss VLT Micro Drive FC 51 Guía Rápida página 15

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Guía rápida
7-3* Process PI
Ctrl. 7-30 Process PI Normal/
Inverse Ctrl
*[0] Normal
[1] Inverse
7-31 Process PI Anti Windup
[0] Disable
*[1] Enable
7-32 Process PI Start Speed
0,0-200,0 Hz *0,0 Hz
7-33 Process PI Proportional Gain
0,00-10,00 *0,01
7-34 Process PI Integral Time
0,10-9999 s *9999 s
7-38 Process PI Feed Forward
0-400 % *0 %
7-39 On Reference Bandwidth
0-200 % *5 %
8-** Comm. and Options
8-0* General Settings
8-01 Control Site
*[0] Digital and ControlWord
[1] Digital only
[2] ControlWord only
8-02 Control Word Source
[0] None
*[1] FC RS485
8-03 Control Word Timeout Time
0,1-6500 s *1,0 s
8-04 Control Word Timeout
*[0] Off
[1] Freeze Output
[2] Stop
[3] Jogging
[4] Max. Speed
[5] Stop and trip
8-06 Reset Control Word Timeout
*[0] No Function
[1] Do reset
8-3* FC Port Settings
8-30 Protocol
*[0] FC
[2] Modbus
8-31 Address
1-247 *1
8-32 FC Port Baud Rate
[0] 2400 Baud
[1] 4800 Baud
*[2] 9600 Baud For choose FC Bus
in 8-30
*[3] 19200 Baud For choose
Modbus in 8-30
[4] 38400 Baud
8-33 FC Port Parity
*[0] Even Parity, 1 Stop Bit
[1] Odd Parity, 1 Stop Bit
[2] No Parity, 1 Stop Bit
[3] No Parity, 2 Stop Bits
8-35 Minimum Response Delay
0,001-0,5 *0,010 s
8-36 Max Response Delay
0,100-10,00 s *5,000 s
Guía rápida
8-4* FC MC protocol set
8-43 FC Port PCD Read Configu-
*[0] None Expressionlimit
[1] [1500] Operation Hours
[2] [1501] Running Hours
[3] [1502] kWh Counter
[4] [1600] Control Word
[5] [1601] Reference [Unit]
[6] [1602] Reference %
[7] [1603] Status Word
[8] [1605] Main Actual Value [%]
[9] [1609] Custom Readout
[10] [1610] Power [kW]
[11] [1611] Power [hp]
[12] [1612] Motor Voltage
[13] [1613] Frequency
[14] [1614] Motor Current
[15] [1615] Frequency [%]
[16] [1618] Motor Thermal
[17] [1630] DC Link Voltage
[18] [1634] Heatsink Temp.
[19] [1635] Inverter Thermal
[20] [1638] SL Controller State
[21] [1650] External Reference
[22] [1651] Pulse Reference
[23] [1652] Feedback [Unit]
[24] [1660] Digital Input 18,19,27,33
[25] [1661] Digtial Input 29
[26] [1662] Analog Input 53 (V)
[27] [1663] Analog Input 53 (mA)
[28] [1664] Analog Input 60
[29] [1665] Analog Output 42 [mA]
[30] [1668] Freq. Input 33 [Hz]
[31] [1671] Relay Output [bin]
[32] [1672] Counter A
[33] [1673] Counter B
[34] [1690] Alarm Word
[35] [1692] Warning Word
[36] [1694] Ext. Status Word
8-5* Digital/Bus
8-50 Coasting Select
[0] DigitalInput
[1] Bus
[2] LogicAnd
*[3] LogicOr
8-51 Quick Stop Select
Consulte par. 8-50 * [3] LogicOr
8-52 DC Brake Select
Consulte par. 8-50 *[3] LogicOr
8-53 Start Select
Consulte par. 8-50 *[3] LogicOr
8-54 Reversing Select
Consulte par. 8-50 *[3] LogicOr
8-55 Set-up Select
Consulte par. 8-50 *[3] LogicOr
8-56 Preset Reference Select
Consulte par. 8-50 *[3] LogicOr
8-8* Bus communication
8-80 Bus Message Count
0-0 N.D. *0 N.D.
8-81 Bus Error Count
0-0 N.D. *0 N.D.
8-82 Slave Messages Rcvd
0-0 N.D. *0 N.D.
8-83 Slave Error Count
0-0 N.D. *0 N.D.
Danfoss A/S © Rev. 2014-02-27 Reservados todos los derechos.
8-9* Bus Jog / Feedback
8-94 Bus feedback 1
0x8000-0x7FFF *0
13-** Smart Logic
13-0* SLC Settings
13-00 SL Controller Mode
*[0] Off
[1] On
13-01 Start Event
[0] False
[1] True
[2] Running
[3] InRange
[4] OnReference
[7] OutOfCurrentRange
[8] BelowILow
[9] AboveIHigh
[16] ThermalWarning
[17] MainOutOfRange
[18] Reversing
[19] Warning
[20] Alarm_Trip
[21] Alarm_TripLock
[22-25] Comparator 0-3
[26-29] LogicRule0-3
[33] DigitalInput_18
[34] DigitalInput_19
[35] DigitalInput_27
[36] DigitalInput_29
[38] DigitalInput_33
*[39] StartCommand
[40] DriveStopped
13-02 Stop Event
Consulte par. 13-01 * [40] DriveS-
13-03 Reset SLC
*[0] Do not reset
[1] Reset SLC
13-1* Comparators
13-10 Comparator Operand
*[0] Disabled
[1] Reference
[2] Feedback
[3] MotorSpeed
[4] MotorCurrent
[6] MotorPower
[7] MotorVoltage
[8] DCLinkVoltage
[12] AnalogInput53
[13] AnalogInput60
[18] PulseInput33
[20] AlarmNumber
[30] CounterA
[31] CounterB
13-11 Comparator Operator
[0] Less Than
*[1] Approximately equals
[2] Greater Than
13-12 Comparator Value
–9999-9999 *0,0
13-2* Timers
13-20 SL Controller Timer
0,0-3600 s *0,0 s
13-4* Logic Rules
13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1
Consulte el par. 13-01 * [0] False
[30] - [32] SL Time-out 0-2
13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1
*[0] Disabled
[1] And
[2] Or
[3] And not
[4] Or not
[5] Not and
[6] Not or
[7] Not and not
[8] Not or not
13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2
Consulte par. 13-40 * [0] False
13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2
Consulte par. 13-41 *[0] Disabled
13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3
Consulte par. 13-40 * [0] False
13-5* States
13-51 SL Controller Event
Consulte par. 13-40 *[0] False
13-52 SL Controller Action
*[0] Disabled
[1] NoAction
[2] SelectSetup1
[3] SelectSetup2
[10-17] SelectPresetRef0-7
[18] SelectRamp1
[19] SelectRamp2
[22] Run
[23] RunReverse
[24] Stop
[25] Qstop
[26] DCstop
[27] Coast
[28] FreezeOutput
[29] StartTimer0
[30] StartTimer1
[31] StartTimer2
[32] Set Digital Output A Low
[33] Set Digital Output B Low
[38] Set Digital Output A High
[39] Set Digital Output B High
[60] ResetCounterA
[61] ResetCounterB
14-** Special Functions
14-0* Inverter Switching
14-01 Switching Frequency
[0] 2 kHz
*[1] 4 kHz
[2] 8 kHz
[4] 16 kHz not available for M5
14-03 Overmodulation
[0] Off
*[1] On
14-1* Mains monitoring
14-12 Function at mains
*[0] Trip
[1] Warning
[2] Disabled


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