Shear Pins
A pair of replacement a uger shearpins and bowtie cotterpins have
beenincludedwith your snowthrower. Thereare holesprovidedin the
plasticdash panelfor convenientstorageof the shearpins.Pushthe
pinsthroughthe holesin thedash paneland securewith the bow-tie
cotter pins.See Fig.8.
Tire Pressure
Underany circumstance do notexceedmanufacturer's recom-
mendedpsi. Equaltire pressureshouldbe maintainedat all times.
Excessivepressurewhen seatingbeadsmay causetire/rim
assemblyto burst with forcesufficientto cause seriousinjury.Refer
to sidewallof tire for recommended pressure.
The tires can be over-inflated for shippingpurposes.Checkthe tire
pressurebeforeoperatingthe snowthrower. Referto the tire sidewall
for rnanufactures's recommended psiand deflate(or inflate)thetires
as necessary.
NOTE:Equaltirepressureisto be maintained at all timesfor perfor-
Fuel Recommendations
Useautomotivegasoline(unleadedor low leadedto minimizecombus-
tion chamberdeposits)with a minimumof 87 octane.Gasolinewith
up to 10%ethanolor 15%MTBE(MethylTertiaryButyl Ether)can be
used.Neverusean oil/gasolinemixtureor dirty gasoline.Avoidgetting
dirt, dust,or waterin the fuel tank.DO NOTuse E85 gasoline.
Refuelin a well-ventilated area with the enginestopped.
Donot smokeor allowflamesor sparksin thearea
wherethe engineis rdueled or wheregasolineis
Donot overfillthe fueltank. After refueling,makesure
the tank cap is closed properlyand securely.
Be carefulnot to spillfuel whenrefueling.Spilledfuel
or fuelvapor mayignite. If any fuelis spilled,makesure
the area is dry beforestartingthe engine.
Avoidrepeated or prolonged contactwith skinor breath-
ing of vapor.
Useextremecare whenhandlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremely
flammableand the vaporsare explosive. Neverfuel themachine
indoorsor while theengine is hotor running.Extinguishcigarettes,
cigars,pipesand other sourcesof ignition.
Alwayskeephandsand feet clear of equipmentmovingparts.Do not
usea pressurizedstartingfluid. Vaporsare flammable.
Cleanaroundfuel fill beforeremoving cap to fuel.
Fuel Level Indicator
Top View
A fuel levelindicatoris locatedin the fueltank. Fill tank untilfuel
reachesthe fuel levelindictor,Figure9. Be carefulnot to overfill.
Oil Level
The engineis shippedwithoil in theengine.Youmust, however,
checkthe oil levelpriorto operatingthe snow thrower.Runningthe
enginewith insufficientoil cancause seriousengine damageand
void theengine warranty.
Someengineswill havea quarter-turn oil fill/dipstickcap,others may
havea threadedoil fill/dipstickcap. Followthe instructionsnext that
applyto your enginemodel.