Oil-less aircompressor are factory lubricated for life and do not require any oil.
The basic components of the air compressor are the electric motor, pump, pressure switch, and tank.
The electric motor powers the pump.
The electric motor is equipped with an overload protector and an automatic reset. If the motor gets overheated, the
overload protector will shut it down to prevent damage to the motor. When the motor sufficiently cools, it will
automatically restart.
The dual pump compresses the air and discharges it into the tank.
The tank stores the compressed air.
The pressure switch (located internally) shuts down the motor and relieves air pressure in the pump and transfer
tube when the air pressure in the tank reaches the kick-out pressure. As compressed air is used and the pressure level
in the tank drops to the kick-in pressure, the pressure switch restarts the motor automatically, without warning, and the
pump resumes compressing air.
Compressor Controls
Power Switch: This switch turns the
compressor power ON and OFF.
Pressure Relieve Valve: If the pressure
switch does not shut down the motor
when pressure reaches the preset level,
this valve will pop open automatically to
prevent over pressurization. To operate
manually, pull the ring on the valve to
relieve air pressure in the tank.
Tank Pressure Gauge: This gauge
measures the pressure level of the air
stored in the tank. It is not adjustable by
the operator and does not indicate line
Air Pressure Regulator: This air
pressure regulator enables you to adjust
line pressure to the tool you are using.
Drain Valve: Located at the bottom of the
tank, this is used to release moisture that
accumulates through usage.
Warning! Never exceed the maximum working pressure of a tool. Turn the knob
clockwise to increase pressure, and counterclockwise to decrease pressure.
Air Pressure
Power Switch
Tank Pressure
Drain Valve