LED's scroll left to right = throttle pot
Battery meter is
flashing code
All LED's flash = estop button pushed Release estop button.
Brushes will not shut
Brush deck switch arm may be bent or
Turned off, water valve is off, brushes
turned off.
Sidekick pump not
Improper wiring.
Sensor plugged.
Sidekick operating,
Vacuum leak at fittings on bottle cap,
but not pumping
Squeeze tube cracked, chemical
bottle empty.
NOTE: If any problems remain after taking the above steps, contact your local authorized
distributor / service station for further evaluation and repair.
Throttle pot neutral not set to2.50kohm
Bend the arm on the switch upward, or replace the
Ensure pump, solution valve, and brushes are on.
Inspect/repair by qualified technician
Remove sensor and blow air (5psi [.03MPa] max)
thru in the opposite direction as the arrow on the part
to clear the obstruction.
Check fittings at bottle cap for leaks.
Replace squeeze tube if cracked. Fill chemical bottle.