Connecting the StudioLive CS18AI with an RM mixer and computer running
4. On the UCNET screen you'll see a drop down list for connected mixers and software.
5. Touch the mixer drop down and then touch a mixer on the list to select it.
6. To connect with that mixer press Connect in the Mixer Control section of UCNET screen.
7. You are now connected with the RM mixer for control from your CS18AI controller.
Connecting the StudioLive CS18AI with an RM mixer and computer running
Capture or Studio One
In addition to controlling the mix of your RM mixer, your CS18AI can also control your Capture live recording
software or Studio One DAW running on a computer on the same network. When connected with Capture you
can access the transport controls, markers, and virtual sound check mode directly from your CS18AI. When
connected with Studio One you can access the transport controls and markers at the same time as controlling
the mix on your RM mixer or switch to controlling your Studio One mix instead of the RM mixer.
NOTE: If you do not use an AVB compatible switch you will only have control between the CS18AI, RM mixers, and
computer. You will NOT have audio between the CS18AI, RM mixers, and computer since the audio transport requires
an AVB network. Your Capture computer doesn't need to be AVB compatible when you're recording via FireWire.
AVB Switch
AVB Switch
1. Connect your CS18AI to your RM mixer as described in the above sections.
2. Connect your computer to the FireWire port of your RM mixer and
to the same network as your RM mixer and CS18AI.
NOTE: You can connect your computer to the network with either a wired Ethernet connection or
AVB Switch
3. Power on the computer and launch Capture or Studio One.
AI Mixer AVB Card