Medium consumption is about 100grs of gas,
kerosene or alcohol per hour. Therefore, a li-
tre of kerosene will feed the Explorer during ten
hours at full power or 15 hours of normal use.
If it is connected to a ten litre water recipient (a
bucket of water), you will only have to fill this
a couple of times a day, although it is conve-
nient to check it at least every two hours, giv-
en that the possible impurities could obstruct
the flow of water.
If you have little combustible, then it is ideal to
use PowerSpot Water Bulbs, which are activat-
ed at a very low voltage, allowing then maxi-
mum saving. These bulbs can be used in any
conventional 12 v electric installation.
However, the use of Explorer does not require
more than 4 or 5 hours per night, and of course
it does not require its constant use at 100%
of its power, which could light up around 30
rooms. In a realistic case based on experience
in the countryside, the real consumption of the
Explorer does not exceed 200-300grs of com-
bustible per day.
Also, if you place several Explorers in parallel or
in series, they are perfectly capable of charging
battery in the same way as a solar panel does
through a simple regulator.
However it is essential to have into account
that it must never dry out. At the effects of the
guarantee, the knowledge of the conditions to
which the device has been submitted to, and
protection of the user in relation to manufac-
turing defects, there is a thermolabile label in-
side that will indicate if at any time the device
has been left on the flame without liquid.
PowerSpot offers Explorer in two versions: with
or without automatic filling system. Both have
the same capacity and power, but if it needs to
be used for a long period of time, or if it is nec-
essary to leave it operating without supervi-
sion, PowerSpot has designed a simple and ro-
bust water filling system. Added to the Explorer,
and connected to any water recipient placed at
a slightly superior level, it will provide as many
hours of operation as litres within the annex re-
ceptacle (it can be a bucket, drum or a plastic
bag), which allow many hours of use without
the need to fill in water.
On the other side, Explorer does not require re-
pairs, it does not need maintenance of any kind,
it is portable, it has adjustable power, it is rela-
tively self-sufficient and its manufacturing and
disposal have no environmental impact.