3. Operation
3.6 Operation
Ope ra te the ma chi ne only at full thrott le and turn the
ma chi ne al ways in idle po si ti on du ring short rest pe ri -
ods. Ot her wi se Dan ger of clutch da ma ges or slip ping
of cen tri fu gal clutch.
Set the en gine speed le ver (2) to full load (MAX).
The proper po si tion for the op er a tor is be hind the ma chine.
Con trol and steer the ma chi ne using the tow bar grip (1).
Set the tra vel di rec ti on and speed with the tra vel le ver (1).
For com pac tion of pav ing stones, it is rec om mended to
use Vulkollan plates and pro tec tive brack ets (spe cial
ac ces so ries) to pre vent dam ages to the com pac tion
ma te rial and to the ma chine.