8. Maintenance machine
8.5 Ex ci ter: Oil chan ge / Oil le vel
Dan ger of burns.
When working on the engine there is a danger of
burns from hot oil.
Wear per so nal pro tec ti ve equip ment (glo ves).
Check / change ex citer oil when its warm.
Un screw oil fill ing plug (2) and oil drain plug (1).
Dan ger of en vi ron men tal dam age from spilled
used oil.
Used oil is water-polluting.
Do no al low it to en ter the ground wa ter, wa ter
bod ies, or sew age sys tem.
Col lect the used oil and dis pose of it ac cord ing
to lo cal en vi ron men tal reg u la tions.
Drain-off old oil.
Screw-in oil drain screw (1).
Fill-in new oil through the oil fill hole (2). See lu bri ca tion plan
for quan tity and qual ity.
When the dip stick is scre wed in, the op ti mal oil le vel is
bet ween the «MIN» and «MAX» mar kings.
Re place oil fill ing plug (2).
Un screw oil fill ing plug (2), check the oil level again and top up
with oil if nec es sary.