7. Engine maintenance
7.4 Cleaning the air filter
Chan ge the fil ter ele ment:
if the fil ter ele ment or sea ling ring is da ma ged
if soo ty de po sits are pre sent
if moist or oily de po sits are pre sent
if en gi ne per for man ce re du ces or
if the ex haust gas chan ges co lour
mi ni mum once a year
Ne ver ope ra te the en gi ne wit hout air fil ter ele ment.
Re mo ve co ver (1).
Ca re ful ly re mo ve fil ter ele ment (2)
Check fil ter ele ment (2) for cracks or ot her da ma ge by hol ding
against the light or using a lamp.
Cle an fil ter co ver (1) and hou sing (3).
Re pla ce fil ter ele ment or cle an ap pro pria te.