Circular hole punching
(hardened mild steel punches)
Accessories required
Metric punches and dies 20mm to 27.5mm dia. (RS stock nos. 541-646
to 541-674)
Imperial punches and dies
Dieholder RS stock no. 541-589
Setting procedure
Following the setting procedure as follows; Item '1' and '2' .
3. Locate and retain dieholder, RS stock no. 541-589, using the four
dieholder mounting screws provided (Figure 3). Drop the die into
the die holder but do not tighten locking screws at this point.
Items '4' to '9'.
Punching procedure
These punches do not require a stripper and should be used as follows:
10. Feed the working material under the punch and centralise by
marker or by using the end and back stops as described.
11. Pull the handle down firmly to pierce the material.
12. Loosen the locking screw in the ram and pass the punch through
the workpiece, die and through the base of the press.
13. Before punching the next hole raise the ram and refit the punch
(see spigot fitting) and bring it down into the die to ensure correct
14. Lock the punch and repeat the punching procedure.
Note: The points of caution and information items '15', '16', '18' and
Punching rectangular holes
(also medium sized circular holes)
Accessories required
Rectangular punches and dies.
Circular punches and dies 12.5mm to 16.5mm dia.
(RS stock nos 541-680 to 541-703)
Circular punches and dies
in and
(RS stock nos 541-624, 541-630)
Dieholders RS stock nos 541-472, 541-589.
Setting procedure
1. Raise the ram to the 'up' position.
2. Fit spigot holder into ram and secure as explained under 'Spigot
3. Fit and retain the punch lightly in the spigot holder.
4. Locate and retain dieholder using the four dieholder holes and
screws provided, (Figure 4). Drop the die into the dieholder but do
not tighten locking screws at this point.
5. Ensure that die orientation is correctly positioned for location on the
workpiece. If necessary use the back and end stops , as described,
as references.
6. Bring the punch slowly down to give correct alignment and
clearance when in the die.
7. In this set position, lock the punch in the spigot holder, lock the die
in the dieholder and secure the dieholder with the four screws.
8. Raise and lower the punch in the die several times to ensure that
they align and do not foul each other.
9. Make sure all locking screws are tightened firmly. Do not
10. Set adjustable stop (Figure 1) to limit ram throw.
Punching procedure
Follow items '10' and '11' as for Circular hole punching.
11. After the punch has pierced the workpiece, loosen the locking
screw in the spigot holder to release the punch.
12. Pass the punch through the workpiece, die and through the base of
the press. Leave the spigot holder in the ram.
13. Before punching the next hole raise the ram and re-fit the punch
into the spigot holder.
14. Re-align punch in the die and lock, repeating the punching
Note: The points of caution and information items '15', '16', '18' and '19'.
'D' Hole punching
in to 1in dia. (RS stock no. 541-618)
in dia.
Accessories Required
'D' punches and dies RS stock nos 607-415 etc
Strippers RS stock nos 602-381 and 602-397.
Used in conjunction with RS press, stock no. 541-309, these punches
and dies will cut the complete range of panel cut-outs for standard 'D'
connectors. Both component and fixing screw holes are punched in
one operation.
It is essential that a stripper is used with these tools. For 9-way and 15-
way 'D' hole punches use stripper RS stock no. 602-381. For all other
sizes use stripper RS stock no. 602-397.
Setting and punching procedure
1. Fit the punch in the die, raise the ram to the 'up' position and place
the die on the press base.
2. Lower the ram so that the punch spigot runs into the ram hole.
Retain the die in the press base with the four screws provided, but
do not lock at this point.
3. Turn the ram locking screw so that it holds the punch spigot at the
4. Raise and lower the punch in the die, making suitable adjustments
to ensure free alignment.
5. Lower the punch into the die, lock the punch in the ram and the die
to the base.
6. Raise the punch and fit the stripper (Figure 5a) so that the hole in
the stripper allows full closure of the punch and die (without fouling)
yet gives sufficient clearance for material to feed freely between die
and stripper.
7. Set the adjustable stop to limit ram throw.
8. Feed the workpiece under the stripper and align using centre lines
on the workpiece with the bottom of the 'V' shape of the punch
which will be the centre of the punched hole.
9. Pull the handle down to pierce the workpiece then raise the punch.
10.The stripper will hold material down as the punch is raised.
Points of caution and information
11. Use materials up to the maximum thicknesses as specified on page 1.
12. To prevent material build-up ensure that the slot (Figure 5a) does
not get jammed with cut-outs.
13. Always ensure that tools are free of waste material and are lightly
oiled before storage.
14. Protect the tool surfaces and edges from damage by storing in the
packaging supplied.
Lug forming
Accessories required
Dieholder RS stock no. 541-719
A lug forming tool which will cut and form a raised lug (width 9mm,
overall length 11mm) set at right angles to sheet material for panel
Setting procedure
Follow the setting procedure, (Figure 5b) and items '1' to '9' described
for punches and dies.
Use dieholder RS stock no. 541-719. When adjusting the stop to limit
ram throw, ensure that the heel of the punch enters the die by at least
in (1.6mm).
1 6
Punching and forming
Hold the workpiece under the punch so that lugs will be formed in the
required position. Use a reference mark or job alignment aids a shown.
Bring the punch down firmly to pierce and form the lug then raise the
punch. Remove the workpiece by tilting and gently pulling the lug out of
the die.
Note: Points of caution and information nos '15', '17' and '19' on page 3.