Setting High /Low-End Trim
High/Low-End levels may be adjusted with the following
a. Press the Dimming Rocker to set the dimmer to the
desired new High/Low-End level (>50% for high-end,
<50% for low-end), and then turn OFF. Note: Middle
LED cannot be used for High-End or Low-End set-
b. While pressing and holding the Tapswitch:
1. The dimmer will turn ON to its preset level,
2. The preset LED will light,
3. After 10 seconds, the load will turn OFF and then
back ON,
4. The preset LED will begin to flash quickly (for two
c. While the LED is flashing, release the Tapswitch. The
LED will remain ON and the dimmer will be at its pre-
set level. The High/Low-End value has been changed.
High/Low-End levels may be restored to their factory
default setting with the following procedure:
a. Press the Dimming Rocker to set the dimmer to
>50% to reset high-end, or to <50% to reset low-end,
and then turn OFF.
b. While pressing and holding the Tapswitch:
1. The dimmer will turn ON to its preset level,
2. The preset LED will light,
3. After 10 seconds, the load will turn OFF and then
back ON,
4. The preset LED will begin to flash quickly (for two
seconds) and then turn OFF. Continue holding the
Tapswitch for at least six seconds after the LED
stops flashing.
c. The load will turn OFF then back ON to its preset
level. The preset LED will flash (for two seconds) and
then remain ON. The default High or Low-End value
has been restored.