• If sounding continues after a postponement attempt, this means that the detection head is not
working. Replace the detector.
• If the detection head fault indication occurs at night, this means that it is not working.
Replace the detector.
• If the detection head indication does not stop after cleaning, replace the detector.
5. Maintenance
5.1 Cleaning the detection head
It is essential to keep the detector clean. The slots in the detection head must be vacuumed at least
once a year or every time the detector indicates that its detection head is dirty (see Fault indications).
5.2 Replacing the detector
1. If the detector is replaced because of a battery or detection head fault, press on the test button
until it beeps to clear the fault.
2. If the detector was installed as part of an alarm system:
A. Put the control panel in installation mode using the keypad to enter:
master code
B. Delete the detector using the control panel keypad to enter:
3. Remove the detector from its base by turning the locking ring anti-clockwise.
4. If the detector was associated with an alarm system, refer to chapter 2.4 Installing a detector
associated with a hager alarm system.
5. If the detector was part of a network, refer to 2.6 Installing a detector as part of a network.
6. Position the new detector on its base and turn the locking ring clockwise.
7. Test the detector (see Testing the detector).
installer code
detector n°