Figure 21 - Step-in Style Harness Buckle Connections
Tongue Buckle: Pass webbing
through buckle and insert tongue
through grommet.
MAKING CONNECTIONS: When using a hook to connect to an
anchorage or when coupling components of the system together,
ensure roll-out cannot occur. Roll-out occurs when interference
between the hook and mating connector causes the hook gate
to unintentionally open and release. Self-locking snap hooks and
carabiners should be used to reduce the possibility of roll-out. Do
not use hooks or connectors that will not completely close over the
attachment object. See subsystem manufacturer's instructions for
more information on making connections.
CONNECTING SYSTEM COMPONENTS: After fi tting the full body
harness the user may then connect to other system components.
Follow the guidelines in section 3.4 on selecting the correct
attachment element.
It is the responsibility of the user and the purchaser of this
equipment to assure that they are familiar with these instructions,
trained in the correct care and use of, and are aware of the
operating characteristics, application limits, and the consequences
of improper use of this equipment.
IMPORTANT: Training must be conducted without exposing the user
to a fall hazard. Training should be repeated on a periodic basis.
Parachute Buckle: Pass webbing
under buckle and over roller and
down between roller and frame. Pull
web end to tighten. Three inches of
web must extend past buckle.
Pass Buckle: Pass male buckle
through female buckle and pull free
end of webbing to tighten.