4.1 Typical wiring diagram (DVRs):
The next chart demonstrates how to connect the C06 keyboard to a DVR and PTZ cameras:
You can connect up to 32 DVRs, up to 15 C06 keyboards and up to 256 PTZ cameras on the same
area (physical connection) where the RS485 cables do not extend over 1200 meters.
Provision-ISR C06 keyboard has a loop function that allows connection of multiple controlling
units from the AUX connection, to the controlled units from the CON connections. A C06
controller connected to multiple PTZ/DVRs would manage any case of conflicting orders.
Multiple C06 keyboards may be
connected, just remember that for all
connections use the PTZ-AUX => PTZ-
CON => PTZ RS485, for DVR use DVR-
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