Harnesses Included:
• 24-pin gray Honda connector to 14-pin black interface connector, with
pre-wired 12-pin black ASWC-1 harness.
• 24-pin and 12-pin gray Honda connector to 22-pin black interface connector,
with a Yellow female RCA.
• 8-pin gray Honda subwoofer connector to White RCA.
• Blue connector to White connector LVDS cable.
Wiring Instructions
Connections to be made:
From the 24-pin gray Honda connector to the aftermarket radio:
• Connect the Red wire to the accessory wire.
• Connect the Black wire to the ground wire.
• Connect the Yellow wire to the battery wire.
• Connect the Blue/White wire to the amp turn on wire (this wire must be
connected to hear sound from the factory amplifier).
• Connect the White wire to the left front positive speaker output.
• Connect the White/Black wire to the left front negative speaker output.
• Connect the Gray wire to the right front positive speaker output.
• Connect the Gray/Black wire to the right front negative speaker output.
• Connect the Green wire to the left rear positive speaker output.
• Connect the Green/Black wire to the left rear negative speaker output.
• Connect the Purple wire to the right rear positive speaker output.
• Connect the Purple/Black wire to the right rear negative speaker output.