How to use the DIGICAT with a Transmitter
Although the DIGICAT can be used
with any locator that operates at 8 or
33 kHz, it was designed to comple-
ment the DIGITEX 8/33 Signal Trans-
mitter with its dual frequency modes.
Function check
This is done to ensure the
DIGITEX 8/33 are functioning
correctly and are operating at
the same frequency.
Switch on the DIGITEX 8/33 select
the required frequency and verify the
mode and output displays.
Ensure that the DIGITEX 8/33 is in
Induction mode (there should not be a
plug in the connection socket).
Power up the DIGICAT and select the
same frequency as the
DIGITEX 8/33 is operating at.
Bring the DIGICAT to within 2 metres
of the DIGITEX 8/33.
How to use the DIGICAT with a Transmitter
The meter display on the
DIGICAT should indicate an
output from the
DIGITEX 8/33. If it does then
the system is functioning cor-
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