Cut back
The cut back is an important working step and the final translucency achieved is
influenced by the shape of the body porcelain (fig. 14). In areas of limited space
Opaque-Dentine or Body and Opaque-Dentine can be used to achieve the desired
results (fig. 15).
The Opal Incisal layer is now completed and the approximal areas added. Again we
recommend slight condensation and the removal of excess moisture which reduces
firing shrinkage and optimises the brilliance of the porcelain. The crown or bridge is
now fired in accordance to the firing table.
After firing
The fired restoration should have a slightly shiny appearance after firing. If it is
necessary to add further porcelain this can be done without grinding the surface
with abrasives. In most cases an addition with Opal Incisal is sufficient.
Then fire according to the firing table.
When trimming or making shape adjustments we recommend the use of Silicon
Carbide abrasives e. g. Dura Green stones or finishing diamonds. The abrasive and
binder within Dura Green stones makes them particularly suitable and leaves the
porcelain with a smooth even finish. Coarse diamond abrasives should be avoided
as they often create micro facets in the porcelain surface which can only be
removed with great difficulty.
VINTAGE HALO can be prepolished with Shofu Soft Cut porcelain polishers to
create a light shine to the surface of the crown (fig. 17).
After trimming the restoration should be steam cleaned.
Final Firing / Add-on
Before the final firing moisten the surface with stain liquid and make the necessary
characterisation with Shofu stains before glazing in accordance with the firing table.
Figure 18 shows the finished restoration after using the basic technique.
It is also possible to make mass corrections after the final glaze firing with
A3 Add-on and Translucent Add-on powders. Add-on has a firing temperature
30°C lower than Body and Incisal powders. The Add-on powder is mixed with
distilled water and applied to the crown as needed and fired according the firing table
with vacuum. After firing it is recommended to super polish the work with a Shofu
Ceramiste Ultra polisher or diamond polishing paste and a felt wheel.
Individual Opal Incisal
The opaque and body powders within the system can be modified and enhanced
using a choice of effect colours including the Effect set, Value Plus and Red shift.
Please see separate instructions for Use of these materials. The VINTAGE HALO Opal
Full set enables unrestricted characterisation and colouration of the enamel areas
depending on the aesthetics result required. The HALO Opal set contains various