Recommended Tools and Supplies
You may need the following tools and supplies to install the rack:
#2 Phillips cross-tip screwdriver
Flat head screwdriver
12 mm wrench
10 mm wrench (for reversing the front door)
T20 Torx screwdriver (for reversing the front door)
T30 Torx screwdriver (for reversing the front door)
Keys to the rack doors and side panels
6 mm Allen wrench
Adjustable wrench (for removing the rack from the pallet)
Installing Rack Cabinets
Installing a rack cabinet may involve:
1 Opening and closing the front rack door
2 Removing and replacing the rack doors
3 Removing and replacing the side panels
4 Installing the brushes
5 Removing and replacing the extension service cover
6 Removing and replacing the extension
7 Reversing the front door
8 Securing the rack leveling feet
9 Installing the rack stabilizer feet
10 Adjusting the rear rack posts
11 Routing cables
12 Coupling two racks
Installation Guide