5. Operating the Turntable
The controller is used to determine the directin in
which the turntable deck is turned and the type of
operation for it (ill. 1).
The direction of rotation for single steps or for con-
tinuous operation is preselected with the rotary
switch on the right.
rotation to the right (clockwise)
rotation to the left (counterclockwise)
When the rotary switch is set for the center posi-
tion, the drive mechanism for the deck is turned
The sliding switch on the left starts the turntable
deck in the selected direction of rotation.
With the lower setting the – single step – pressing
the button moves the deck over one edge segment
(7.5°) and stops it automatically. These single steps
are independent of the built-in track connections.
With the upper setting – continuous operation –
the sliding switch locks in place, and the turntable
deck will operate continuously. Just before reach-
ing the desired position, the sliding switch must be
disengaged and moved to the center setting – 0
–, whereby the deck will stop at the next edge
Important Notes:
Activate the start impulse
until the deck
turns (approx. 1 second). In event of problems or in-
terruptions, please see Section 6 of the instructions,
and do not switch over to continuous
operation . This may damage the mechanism.
The mechanism for the turntable deck can become
overloaded if the turntable is operated continu-
ously. For this reason after every full rotation of
the turntable deck (360°) the mechanism must
be allowed to rest for at least 10 seconds before
resuming operatin of the turntable.
The turntable deck can also be moved manually
for maintenance or conversion work. The drive
mechanism can be disengaged with the hand lever
opposite the operator's cab (ill. 5). The deck is free
to turn when the lever is pulled towards the middle
of the turntable pit. It is possible to start the stage
drive on site with the control unit connected by
pressing the hand lever outwards.
Do not switch the power supply to the installation
off while the turntable is being operated.
6. Operating Locomotives
The deck track is constantly supplied with track
power (conventional transformer or digital sys-
tem). With digital operation an auxiliary function
that has been turned on (example: headlights or
smoke) remains on.
The spoke tracks lined up with the deck are
supplied with power by the latter, all other spoke
tracks are shut off. This insures that no locomo-
tive accidentally approaches the turntable from a
spoke track not aligned with the deck (especially
in conventional locomotive operation).
If other approach and stall tracks are to have
track power when they are not aligned with the
deck (especially for digital operation), they can
be supplied with power from feeder tracks (2290)
or center rail and ground terminal clips (7504 and
7500). This allows digital locomotives with head-
lights on or smoke being generated to be stored on
stall tracks.
The signal boards included with the turntable can
be placed at both ends of the deck and should face
7. Trouble Shooting
Trouble with the turntable mechanism when
the deck should be started can be corrected by
moving the hand lever opposite the machine shed
one or more times towards the outer edge of the
turntable (ill 5).
Should the turntable stop between two positions
due to power failure, pull the disconnecting hand
lever towards the centre and turn the turntable by
hand to the nearest rail connection.
In case of problems during operation (example: the
deck rotates roughly or in jerks), all of the wiring
connections for the turntable and the controller
should be checked. Otherwise, problems in the
operation of the turntable may indicate a need for
maintenance work.
8. Care and Maintenance
Important note:
The motor and gearbox have been adequately
lubricated at the factory. Please do not oil! This
could cause damage!
The deck can be removed if there are operating
problems due to dirty electrical contacts. To do this
two edge segments opposite each other must be
removed and the deck moved so that it is between
the two holes (ill. 6, ill 5). After loosening the screw
at th pivot point for the deck, the deck can be lifted
up out of the turntable pit. The contact strips on
the center support and the contact springs on the
deck can now be carefully cleaned.
Attention: The contact springs under the centre
and under the ends of the turntable must not be
bent. Please treat carefully! Make sure that the
two grating covers and the contact spring are
properly positioned under the screw when reas-
sembling the deck (ill. 8).
The deck mechanism is otherwise maintenance-
free. Please have all necessary repairs to the
mechanism unit sent to the Märklin Service Center
by your local dealer! Inappropriate handling will
lead to irreparable damage!