In the "When importing uncompressed audio
files into Audacity" section of this TAB only the
"Read directly from the original file" should be
In the "Uncompressed Export Format" section
you should chose WAV (microsoft 16bit PCM).
and although you could chose a compressed
format like Mp3 we recommend that you used
an uncompressed format like WAV when
preserving your RARE Records or Tapes.
The other two sections "OGG export setup"
and MP3 export setup should be left at their
default setting.
Once you have completed your settings you
may chose OK and the settings box will
close automatically saving the new settings.
To monitor the audio signal that you are
Choose the
sending to the iConnex you must set the
Monitor Input
pulldown menu that is located next to the right
so you can
of the little MICROPHONE icon to "MONITOR
hear the music
INPUT"You should now be able to hear the
signal coming from your iConnex, use the
input volume control knob on the iConnex to
set your input level, now you can begin
Press the RECORD button to start recording,
You will see a waveform being created as AU-
DACITY records. when you are done press the
STOP button, to save your recording, simply
choose (EXPORT WAVE FORMAT) under the
"PROJECT" pull down menu, choose the drive
you wish to save the file to and press OK.
Repeat this process for every new recording.
You are now ready to use the iConnex to
transfer all of your records and tapes!