· WARNING: carefully read the user manual be-
fore use and keep it for future reference. Non-
compliance with this user manual can seriously
compromise the safety of your child.
· WARNING: never alter or repair your car seat;
this may render the seat unsafe and will cause
the responsibility of the manufacturer to lapse.
· WARNING: the safety of this Traveller car seat
is guaranteed only if it has been installed in
accordance with the instructions above.
· WARNING: pay additional care to securing the
seat in the car; ensuring the seat is properly
secured can save the life of your child in the
event of an accident.
· WARNING: never alter or repair your car seat;
this may render the seat unsafe and will cause
the responsibility of the manufacturer to lapse.
· WARNING: if the car seat has been involved in
an accident, it must be replaced.
· WARNING: the safety of the mechanism is war-
ranted for use by the initial purchaser. We ad-
vise against the use of second-hand car seats.
· WARNING: prevent damage to the seat due to
jamming between the car door or the back of
the front chairs.
· WARNING: prevent heating up by the sun of
metal parts your child can come into contact with.
· WARNING: when travelling by car, always use
your Traveller car seat and never leave the child
behind unsupervised.
· WARNING: do NOT use the Traveller on a chair
that has airbag protection.
· WARNING: the Traveller must always be se-
cured by the seatbelt in the car, also when no
child is lying or sitting in it.
· WARNING: the small belt and the seatbelt
must never be twisted.
· WARNING: do not place unsecured luggage in
the car. This can cause danger to your child in
the event of an emergency stop.
· WARNING: it is important that other passen-
gers in the car also wear their seatbelts, as in
the event of an accident they can be catapulted
through the car and possibly injure the baby.
· WARNING: ensure that all passengers know how
to release the baby from the car seat in the event
of an accident or other hazardous situation.
· WARNING: regularly check the different parts
of the seat.
· WARNING: the Traveller must never be used
without the upholstery.
· WARNING: only use the upholstery that has
been included, this forms part of the seat.
· WARNING: always use the 5-point safety belt.
· WARNING: you are personably responsible for
the safety of your child.
· WARNING: the Traveller is suitable for new-
borns up to 9 months or 10 kg for transport
by car and up to a maximum of 13 kg for use
outside the car.