3.5.1) Description of electrical connections
This paragraph provides a brief description of the electrical connections: For further information refer also to 7.3 "Adding or removing devices"
Type of terminal
Step - step
3- 4
Phototest or
electric lock
Flashing light
3.5.2) Second motor electrical connection
If the installation envisages the use of 2 motors, a TN2030 and a
TN2020, make the electrical connection of the second motor as
described below.
1. Make the same connections for gearmotor TN2030 as those for
a single motor installation.
2. Between the control unit of the TN2030 and terminal board of the
TN2020 make the cable connections "second motor" and "sec-
ond motor courtesy light" as shown in (Figure 22), observing
polarity as specified.
4) Final checks and start-up
Before starting the final check phase and start-up of the automation, place the door at mid-travel so that it is free to move in both the open-
ing and closing directions.
4.1) Selecting the type of installation
Depending on the type of system, i.e. installations with one or 2
motors, the selector must be set accordingly on the control unit.
If the system uses 1 motor, move the selector to the left as shown in
Figure 23.
If the system uses 2 motors, move the selector to the right as shown
in Figure 24.
Service or device connected
input for connection of the aerial for the radio receiver The aerial is incorporated on LUCY B;
alternatively an external aerial can be used or leave a section of wire to act as an aerial, already present
on the terminal
Input for devices that control movement in Step-Step mode, enabling the connection of Normally Open
Input for devices that block or shut down the manoeuvre in progress; by setting the input accordingly, i
t is possible to connect Normally Closed type contacts, Normally Open contacts, or a 8.2K constant
resistance can be connected.
More information on STOP is available in paragraph "7.3.2 -STOP input".
Input for safety devices such as photocells. These engage during closure inverting the direction of
movement. Normally closed contacts are connected to this terminal More information on PHOTO is
available in paragraph "7.3.2 -PHOTO input".
Each time a manoeuvre is started up, all safety devices are checked and only in the case of positive
results can the manoeuvre be started. This is possible by means of a special type of connections; the
transmitters of the TX photocells are powered separately from the RX receivers. Other information on
the connection is provided in paragraph "7.3.2 PHOTO input" For electric lock operations, refer to
paragraph "7.3.3 Electric lock"
This output can be connected to a NICE "LUCY B" flashing light with a 12V 21W car type lamp.
During the manoeuvre the light flashes at an interval 0.5s on and 0.5s off
Never set the selector to 2 motors when only one is
installed; operation will be impaired and there is a risk of
damage to the motor.