En g li sh
Ty pic al material p ro pe rtie s / s iz es a va ilable
Type of alloy (according to ISO 22674)
CTE value ( 25 – 500 °C / 77 – 932 °F )
Mass content of all components in mass %
0.2 % proof stress
Modulus of elasticity
Pre-heating / casting temperature
Melting interval
Additional melting time (HF induction)
Item No.:
denta NEM
250 g
denta NEM
1000 g
P ro d uct d e scr ip t io n
dentaNEM is a Co-Cr-Mo ceramic alloy for the production of crowns and bridges using the
conventional casting technique.
In d ica ti ons
Removable partial dentures, clasps, veneered crowns, large bridges or bridges with small
cross-sections, bars, attachments, implant supported superstructures.
C o n train d i cat ions
Any application not included within the indications.
S ide e ff ect s
In isolated cases, a patient may experience sensitivity or an allergic reaction to the constituents
of this alloy. If the patient is known to be allergic or sensitive to any of the constituents, please
consult a doctor.
In te ra ct ions
Different types of alloy in the same oral environment can lead to a galvanic reaction.
P ro ce ssi n g dent aNE M
1. The wax construction
The waxed sub-structure must be designed in a slightly smaller anatomical version of the final
crown or bridge shape in those areas which are to be veneered with ceramic.
This allows an even layer of ceramic to be built-up and fired.
The aim of this procedure is to reduce material stress and tension between metal and ceramic
as much as possible.
Note: With solid pontics it is advisable to design a continuous metal scallop on the oral aspect
to create more favourable cooling conditions.
The wall thickness for single crowns is at least 0.3 mm and for bridge abutments at least 0.4 mm.
In large spanned frameworks the interdental areas must designed with sufficient stability; avoid
sharp corners. Areas to be soldered must be designed with sufficiently large surface areas.
2. Attaching the sprues
Direct sprues with a reservoir in close proximity to the wax pattern are recommended for single
crowns and bridges with a max. of 3 units (Ø min. 3 mm). In general, bar cast spruing technique
can be used (Ø 4 – 5 mm) with the appropriate feeding sprues (Ø 3 – 4 mm) and connecting
sprues (Ø approx. 3 mm). Weigh the wax, incl. casting sprues, to determine the required alloy
quantity ( weight of wax x density = alloy quantity in g ).
3. Investing
dentaNEM must only be invested and cast in phosphate bonded, carbon free investment
material. Optimal results are possible with the investment material Wilavest quick and the
undiluted Wilavest quick NP investment liquid. Mix the appropriate investment material under
vacuum. Always follow the investment manufacturer's instructions for use, especially when using
"speed" investment material. When using metal casting rings, the sizes 1 and 3 require one layer
of ceramic liner (dry) and sizes 6 and 9 require two layers each.
4. The lost wax process / Pre-heating
For heating instructions (either using the conventional method or using the "speed" process),
please follow the investment manufacturer's instructions.
For the conventional method, carry out the lost wax process in the furnace at 300 °C / 572 °F
according to the size of the casting ring:
30 min (1x), 40 min (3x), 50 min (6x), 60 min (9x).
dentaNEM's holding time when the final temperature of 950 °C / 1742 °F has been reached
depends on the casting ring size and is as follows:
Conventional heating in stages: 20 min (1x), 40 min (3x), 50 min (6x), 60 min (9x)
"Speed" heating:
40 min (1x), 50 min (3x), 60 min (6x), 90 min (9x)
When carrying out the lost wax method and preheating a large number of casting rings together
in one furnace, the amount of time required for the wax to burn-out must be lengthened.
I n s t r u c t i o n s f o r u s e d e n t aN E M
8.8 g/cm
14.4 * 10
Co 63.3 % . Cr 28.6 % . Mo 5.9 % . Fe . Nb . Si . Mn
400 MPa
7 %
200 MPa
950 / 1480 °C ( 1742 / 2696 °F )
1220 – 1380 °C ( 2228 – 2516 °F )
5 – 15 sec.
5. Melting / Casting
Use only ceramic crucibles for casting dentaNEM.
Do not use graphite crucibles and only use new metal!
High frequency casting techniques: After the last piece of solid metal has melted, wait until a
so-called shadow falls across the molten metal, when the oxide skin begins to split, begin the
casting process immediately. Do not overheat!
Torch melting method with propane / oxygen:
When melting the alloy with the torch, always make sure the nozzle is clean. Ensure that the
flame is correctly adjusted; avoid excess admission of oxygen by melting the alloy using the
reduced part of the flame. After the last piece of solid metal becomes molten, an oxide skin
begins to form. Continue melting the alloy whilst moving the torch gently in a circular motion
until the molten metal moves under the pressure of the flame. Start the casting process before
the oxide skin begins to split. Caution: Do not use flux!
6. Finishing / Cleaning
Once the casting ring has slowly hand cooled, divest with a clean, disposable blasting medium
(aluminium oxide, grain size 110 µm). Grind the metal framework using clean cutters or ceramic
bonded grinding burs suitable for CoCr alloys; grind the metal in one direction only in order to
avoid material overlapping and therefore prevent the likelihood of bubbles from occurring in the
ceramic build-up later. In addition, take care to follow the manufacturer's recommended r.p.m.
for the various instruments. Sandblast the metal surface using a clean, disposable blasting
medium, (aluminium oxide, grain size 110 µm) at a pressure of 3 – 4 bar. Clean the framework
thoroughly under running water with a brush or steam clean and de-grease using ethyl alcohol.
When grinding the metal, do not inhale the grinding dust!
7. Oxidizing
It is not necessary to oxidize dentaNEM. However, if an oxide firing is conducted in order to
check the metal surface, sandblast afterwards using a fresh, disposable blasting medium
(aluminium oxide, grain size 110 m, 3 – 4 bar) and clean the framework once again.
Please observe the following oxidation parameter:
Temperature 1000 °C / 1832 °F, no vacuum, no holding time with immediate cooling.
8. Veneering
For a ceramic veneer, all commercial ceramic materials with an appropriate CTE value and a
maximum firing temperature of 1000 °C / 1832 °F are suitable.
We recommend firing 2 opaque layers; for the subsequent ceramic veneer, the instructions of the
respective ceramic manufacturer, particularly with regard to cooling after the ceramic firing, must
be observed.
In particular, the following product is recommended for the ceramic veneer:
IPS InLine System, Ivoclar Vivadent AG
Ensure the framework is sufficiently supported on the firing tray.
Before the ceramic build-up, any oxide and flux residues resulting from soldering processes must
be removed via pickling. Carry out additional finishing or cleaning according to point 6.
Please observe the ceramic manufacturer`s processing recommendations.
9. Brazing
dentaNEM can be brazed and laser welded. For brazing dentaNEM before firing use the solder
"Stahlgoldlot Nr. 80 M-1", after firing use "Stahlgoldlot Nr. 80 W-2", each in combination with
a suitable flux (please observe the relevant manufacturer's instructions for use!).
For laser welding before firing we recommend using PortaSmart laser welding wire.
Caution! Check that the shape of the area to be lasered is suitably prepared.
10. Polishing
Oxide and flux residues can be removed by sandblasting with glass beads. Create smooth
surfaces on areas which have been previously ground with tungsten carbide burs by grinding
with ceramic bonded stones. Then smooth to a silky-matt finish using rubber polishers. Polish
to a high lustre with a suitable polishing paste and then clean in an ultrasonic cleaning bath or
carefully using a steam cleaner.
S to r a g e
Store in a dry environment at room temperature.
Metal fumes and metal dust are hazardous to health if inhaled; therefore always use an
extraction unit and/or a suitable face mask!
This material has been developed solely for use in dentistry and must be processed according to the
Instructions. Liability cannot be accepted for damages resulting from misuse or failure to observe
the Instructions. The user is solely responsible for testing the material for its suitability for any
purpose not explicitly stated in the Instructions. This also applies when the materials are mixed with
or used together with products from other companies.