hedge trimmer doesn't work.
1. The battery pack is not
attached to the hedge
2. no electrical contact
between the trimmer
and battery
3. The battery pack
is depleted.
4. The battery pack is
too hot.
5. The hedge trimmer is
too hot.
6. The two switch levers
are not depressed
7. The blade is jammed.
56V LiThiUM-iOn cORdLEss hEdgE TRiMMER
1. Attach the battery pack to
the hedge trimmer.
2. Remove battery, check
contacts and reinstall the
battery pack.
3. charge the battery pack.
4. Remove the battery pack
from the tool and allow it
to cool until the tempera-
ture drops below 152°F
5. Release both switch
levers; allow the trimmer
to cool until the tempera-
ture drops below 170.6°F
6. depress the switch levers
on the front and rear
handle simultaneously.
7. Remove the battery pack
from the tool, remove the
obstruction carefully, then
reinsert the battery and
restart the tool.