Cleaning The Filter - Franklin Electric Little Giant 800 Guia De Inicio Rapido

Filtro presurizado
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5. Install the plate, knobs up.
6. Install large O-ring. If using a lubricant, use water-based rather
than oil-based
7. Install the cover assembly and close all latches
8. Install the handle.
9. Install the small O-ring into the cap.
10. Install the cap onto the handle threads. HAnD-TIGHTEn OnLY.
11. Install a hose adapter onto the In and OUT fittings. NOte: Ensure
all gaskets are installed. HAnD-TIGHTEn OnLY unless leaks are
WarNiNG: Before installing the filter, disconnect all submersed
appliances in the pond from electrical power.
CautiON: Do not exceed the maximum pressure (head) listed in
Table 1.
CautiON: Do not expose this filter to sunlight for extended periods.
iNstallatiON tiPs: While planning the layout of your pond and
water feature, consider the following helpful tips to ensure proper
operation of your newly purchased pressure filter.
a. Use larger pipe sizes where possible.
b. Minimize the number of flow-reducing fittings between the
pump and the water feature, such as elbows, flow valves,
c. Attempt to minimize the vertical height difference between the
pump and the water feature.
d. Place the pressure filter as close as practicable to the water
feature (the point where water is discharged back into your
e. Carefully choose a pump that meets the flow and head
requirements for the filter and your pond system.
1. Decide on a suitable location to install the filter then bury it in the
ground, as high as the latches if necessary.
2. Attach a flexible pipe or hose to the pump and connect it to the
filter inlet (marked In).
3. Attach a flexible pipe or hose to the filter outlet (marked OUT),
and position this water outlet pipe as required.
If the filter fails to operate:
1. Check the pump discharge and tubing for kinks and
2. Flush out any built-up algae with a garden hose.
3. Clean and flush the filter as outlined in the MAInTEnAnCE
NOte: When water pressure begins to decrease noticeably, clean
both the pond pump and the filter.
NOte: Do not use cleaning solvent, detergent, or tap water (which
likely contains chlorine) to clean the filter or filter media. Use only
pond water.
Clean the filter thoroughly, externally and internally, twice a year.
flusHiNG tHe filter:
1. Disconnect the pond pump and the filter from electrical power.
2. Remove the outlet hose from the outlet adapter and set the
hose aside.
3. Remove the outlet adapter and the backwash cap, and swap
their positions.
4. Connect a waste hose to the adapter on the backwash fitting.
5. Connect the pond pump to electrical power. This will dislodge
and remove dirt in the filter and sponge.
6. Turn the handle several times to squeeze the sponge.
7. For more efficient cleaning by backwashing:
a. Disconnect the pond pump from electrical power.
b. Remove the inlet hose (not included) from the inlet adapter
and set the hose aside.
c. Remove the inlet adapter and the cap on the outlet fitting and
swap their positions.
d. Connect the inlet hose to the outlet adapter.
e. Connect the pump to electrical power and turn it on.
f. Turn the handle back and forth several times to squeeze the
g. Disconnect the pond pump from electrical power, return all
parts to their original configuration, connect the pond pump
to power, and plug in the filter power cord Or proceed to the
next section.

CleaNiNG tHe filter:

1. Disconnect the pond pump from electrical power.
2. Unlatch the 6 latches and remove the filter lid.
3. Clean the inside of the filter canister.
4. Remove the sponge and bio-balls (leaving the white mesh grate in
place) and clean them in a container filled with pond water (not tap
water). If the sponge shows signs of damage or wear, replace it.
5. Return all parts to their original configuration, connect the pond
pump to power, and plug in the filter power cord.
Cette feuille d'instructions vous fournit les informations néces-
saires pour entretenir et faire fonctionner votre produit Little Giant.
Conserver ces directives afin de pouvoir les consulter plus tard.
Le produit Little Giant que vous avez acheté a été soigneusement
fabriqué avec des matériaux de la plus haute qualité et a été conçu
pour durer longtemps et offrir un service fiable. Les produits Little
Giant sont soigneusement testés, inspectés et emballés afin d'en
assurer la sécurité de fonctionnement et une livraison en bonne
condition. Vérifier attentivement le produit afin de vous assurer qu'il
n'a pas été endommagé pendant le transport. S'il est endommagé,
veuillez contacter l'entreprise qui vous l'a vendu. Si une réparation
ou un remplacement est requis, elle vous prêtera assistance.
lire atteNtiVeMeNt Ces direCtiVes aVaNt de PrOCÉder
À l'iNstallatiON, À l'utilisatiON Ou À l'eNtretieN
du PrOduit little GiaNt. se faMiliariser aVeC les
aPPliCatiONs, les liMites et les risQues POteNtiels
du PrOduit. assurer sa PrOPre PrOteCtiON et Celle
des autres eN suiVaNt tOutes les rèGles de sÉCuritÉ.
le NON-resPeCt de Ces direCtiVes Peut eNtraÎNer des
Blessures et/Ou des dOMMaGes MatÉriels!


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