6- key push button panel (fig. 8)
A: 10 minutes timer, after which the suction motor
is turned off and the front is closed.
The setting of the function is signaled by indicator
flashing speed (B).
B: the suction motor speed indicator.
The LED gives off four different colors, depending
on the set speed.
First speed color: WHITE
Second speed color: GREEN
Third speed color: BLUE
Fourth-speed color: RED
C: the key is only active with open front (45° 90°). For
each selection of the function there is an increase of
the suction motor speed, up to the fourth speed.
D: the key is only active with open front (45° 90°).
Each time you select the function you have a spe-
ed decrease of the suction motor, up to the first
E: When the product is switched off, the first
touch activates the front until it reaches the in-
termediate opening of 45°.
As the intermediate opening is reached, the
suction motor is automatically set to the II°
Another press will start full opening (90°) of
the front, maintaining the speed of the vacuum
Another press will stop the vacuum motor and
completely close the front.
- With front opened at 45 °, holding down the E but-
ton for 3 consecutive seconds, the front is closed
and the vacuum motor shuts down.
- With closed front, holding down the E button for
3 consecutive seconds, the front opens by 90° and
the suction motor is activated at the second speed.
Warning: The product S-DD17 Jolly allows the
opening of the glass top only by 90° (no 45° ope-
ning is possible).
As a result of the new EU65 "Energy label" and
EU66 " Ecodesign" regulations issued by the Euro-
pean Commission, which came into force as from
January 1st, 2015 , our products have been adap-
ted to comply with these new requirements.
All of the models complying with the energy label
requirements, are equipped with new electronics
including a timer device for suction speeds control,
when the air capacity exceeds 650m³/h.
Internal motor models, with maximum air capacity
higher than 650m³/h, are equipped with a timer de-
vice that automatically switches the suction speed
from 4th to 3rd speed, after 6 minutes operation.
External motor models are equipped with remote
motors that , as for internal motor versions, inclu-
de a timer device that switches down the suction
speed when it exceeds 650 m³/h. (See External
Motors Instructions)
Remote motors, whose air capacity exceeds
650m³/h at both 4th and 3rd speed, will have the
following by default timer control functions:
The suction speed is automatically switched from
4th to 2nd speed, after 6 minutes operation.
If the appliance is working at 3rd speed, it is auto-
matically switched to 2nd speed, after 7 minutes
operation. Operation speeds can also be changed
during operation.
The energy consumption of the appliance in stand
– by mode is lower than 0.5W.
Other functions:
Automatic turn off:
After 4 hours of continuous operation from the last
setup, the appliance turns off automatically.
Grease filters saturation
After 30 hours of operation, the speed indica tors
"D" will all flash simultaneously, signaling the gre-
ase filters saturation. To reset this alarm, hold the
"TIMER" button down for at least 3 seconds, while
the extractable unit is open.