for the programming. The program called corresponds to
the value entered.
8205 – This takes the acceleration in seconds. Change
this value only in exceptional cases and only after consul-
tation with your SUHNER contact.
8206 – This takes the speed in manual mode in revolu-
tions per minute. Recommended: Leave the standard
value of 200 rpm.
8207 – This specifies whether a self test is executed dur-
ing the first startup. This self test detects whether the val-
ues entered for the parameters 8201, 8202, and 8203 are
identical to the actual conditions. Recommended: Acti-
vate the self test for the first startup.
rogrAm PArAmeters
Programs are entered via the parameter sets 80 (for
programming in mm) or 81 (for programming in inches).
These take absolute measurements (i.e. based on the
machine's zero point) (see page 2-3).