D E S C R I P T I O N O F P A R A Me T E R S A N D S C R E E N S - Italtecnica Mito Instrucciones Para El Uso

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Idiomas disponibles
  • MX

Idiomas disponibles

These parameters are usually hidden and should only be modified during installation. To access these
p a g e s p r e s s t h e " + " a n d " -" k e y s s i m u l t a n e o usly for 5 seconds. Once access is reached to the hidden
m e n u , u s e t h e a r r o w k e y " > > " t o s c r o l l t h r o u g h t h e s c r e e n s a n d t h e " + " a n d " -" k e y s t o m o d i f y t h e
p a r a m e t e r s . T o r e t u r n t o t h e m a i n s c r e e n , p r e s s a g a i n t h e " + " a n d " -" k e y s s i m u l t a n e o u s l y f o r 5 s e c o n ds.
parameter value. The differential can be adjusted between 0.3 and 3.0 Bar, the recommended value being
at least 0.5 Bar. Use the + and – keys to modify the parameter value.
performed after the same interval of time. The maximum interval set is 300 minutes (recommended value
60 min.). Use the + and – keys to modify the parameter value.
pumps with self-priming problems. T h e f a c t o r y s e t t i n g i s 1 0 s e c o n d s . U s e t h e " + " a n d " – " k e y s t o c h a n g e
stop delay value.
Delta P: this value is the pressure difference below Pmax required for
pump restart. When supplying a user, the pump is not started until the
pressure in the system has dropped below the value of Pmax minus the
Delta P value. After the motor has started, the speed rotation is adjusted to
maintain the pressure value as close as possible to the preset Pmax
Auto-Reset Interval: If during pump operation there is a temporary lack
of water on pump intake, Mito turns off the motor to avoid any damage.
This screen sets the delay in minutes after which the device performs an
automatic restart to check if water is available on the intake. If the attempt
is successful, Mito automatically exits the error mode and the system is
once again operational; if this is not the case, another attempt will be
N° Auto-Reset Tests: this parameter defines the number of attempts that
Mito performs to reactivate the pump after a cut-out due to dry running.
After this number of restart attempts, the system stops and operator
intervention is needed. By setting this value to zero, the Auto-Reset is
disabled. The maximum number of attempts is 10. Use the + and – keys to
modify the parameter value.
Stop Delay: With this parameter it is possible to define the pump stop
delay (in seconds) following all the taps being closed. If the pump cycles
continuously when there is low water demand, increase the pump stop
delay to smooth operation. Increasing this parameter may also help
eliminate too frequent dry run protection interventions, especially for
Vmin: this parameter enables entry of the minimum voltage (Volt)
supplied to the motor during the regulation phase. The setting of this
parameter depends mainly on the motor' s ability to dissipate heat in
reduced ventilation conditions. If excessive electric motor heating is noted,
the value Vmin should be increased. The factory setting is 75% (referred to
the maximum power supply value). U s e k e y s " + " a n d " -" t o m o d i f y t h e
minimum voltage value.


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