Error Code LID is displayed and unit is not cooking.
The wrong lid is being used for specific cooking function. Place
the correct lid on the Duet.
The lid is not properly in place on the Duet. Ensure lid is
correctly in place. The Pressure Cooker Lid is not properly in
place and not locked. Make sure Lid is in place and the Lock
icon is displayed.
If correct lid is on unit and correctly in place (or locked) and
error LID is still displayed, turn OFF, unplug unit, and contact
Customer Service.
Error Code POT is displayed and unit is not cooking.
Pot was not placed in or is not in unit correctly. Place pot in unit
before cooking. Make sure the pot is placed in Duet correctly.
Error Code Er1 is displayed and unit is not cooking.
Turn the unit off and unplug to cool. If still not working after cooling
and turned on, contact Customer Service.
Error Code Er2 is displayed and unit is not cooking.
Pressure Cook Temp over 340˚F.
Error Code Er3 is displayed and unit is not cooking.
When pressure cooking the pressure is over 50kPa. Turn off and
allow to completely cool. Turn on again. If still not working contact
Customer Service.
Error Code Err1 is displayed and unit is not cooking.
Temperature Sensor Short Circuit. Contact Customer Service.
Error Code Err2 is displayed and unit is not cooking.
Temperature Sensor is open. Contact Customer Service.
Error Code Err5 is displayed and unit is not cooking.
The unit has a faulty Pressure sensor. Contact Customer Service.