Do not use the safety seat without its
cover and without the harness pads.
Protect the child restraint system from
direct contact with sunlight, the plastic
and metal parts may heat up and burn
the child.
Keep the child restraint system away
from corrosive liquids, paints or solvents
that could damage the product.
The child restraint system should be
replaced after an accident, even if there
are no visible signs of damage.
The product may have unseen internal
damage that could compromise the
child's safety.
Take regular breaks when travelling so
the child can get out of the seat and walk
around a bit. It is not advisable to travel
for more than 2 hours at a time without
taking a break. This advice is very impor
tant for babies.
Make sure that the support leg is always
in contact with the vehicle floor, and that
the child's harness is correctly fitted and
not twisted at all.
The fabric cover is an essential part of the
child restraint system. It must not be re
placed by a different cover without prior
authorisation from the manufacturer.
Do not alter the product by adding or
removing any accessory or complement.