Il manuale istruzioni è scaricabile dal Télécharger le manuel d’instructions The instruction manual is downloada- sito sur le site ble from the site Descrizione Description Description Targa da esterno parete a 2 pulsanti Plaque de rue murale à 2 boutons,...
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8000 INSTALLAZIONE DELLE TARGHE MOuNTING INSTRuCTIONS OF ENTRANCE PANEL INSTALLATION DE LA PLAquE DE RuE MONTAGEHINWEISE FÜR TÜRSPRECHSTELLE INSTALACIóN DE LA PLACA EXTERNA INSTALAÇãO DA BOTONEIRA EXTERIOR Montare la targa esterna su scatola rettangolare o con tasselli. Fix door panel on rectangular box or with expanding plugs with screws. Installer la plaque de rue sur boîte rectangulaire ou avec vis à...
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8000 Sistema unifilare “1+n” con alimentatore Art. 6837, Art. 837/0CT Collegamento targhe con commutatore Art. 839/837 e posti esterni Art. 930A. unifilare “1+n” system with 6837, 837/0CT power supply units. Entrance panels connected to 839/837 switching module and 930A speech units. Système unifilaire “1+n”...
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8000 Sistema di chiamata “SOuND-SYSTEM” con alimentatore Art. 931, 938A. Collegamento targa con posto esterno Art. 930A. SOuND-SYSTEM call system with 931, 938A power Ai citofoni supply units. To interphones Entrance panel connected to 930A speech unit. Vers les postes d’appartement Système d’appel “SOuND-SYSTEM”...
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8000 Sistema di chiamata tradizionale 15V c.a. con alimentatore Art. 836 Collegamento targhe con commutatore Art. 839/302 e posti esterni Art. 930F. Conventional 15 VAC call system with 836 power supply unit. Entrance panels connected to 839/302 switching module and 930F speech units. Système d’appel traditionnel 15V c.a.
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8000 Sistema di chiamata “SOuND-SYSTEM” con alimentatore Art. 938, Art. 985 Collegamento targhe con commutatore Art. 839/302 e posti esterni Art. 930F. SOuND-SYSTEM call system with 938, 985 power supply units. Entrance panels connected to 839/302 switching module and 930F speech units. Système d’appel “SOuND-SYSTEM”...
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8000 Sistema di chiamata tradizionale 15V c.a. con alimentatore Art. 831, 881, 838. Collegamento targa con posto esterno Art. 930A. Conventional 15 VAC call system with 831, 881, 838 power supply units. Entrance panel connected to 930A speech unit. Système d’appel traditionnel 15V c.a. avec alimentateur Art. 831, 881, 838. Raccordement plaque avec poste externe Art.
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8000 Sistema con kit unifamiliare serie 885. Collegamento targa con posto esterno Art. 930C. System with 885 series single-residence kit. Ai citofoni Entrance panel connected to 930C speech unit. To interphones Système avec kit unifamilial série 885. Vers les postes Raccordement plaque avec poste externe Art.
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8000 Sistema di chiamata tradizionale 15V c.a. con alimentatore Art. 831, Art. 881, Art. 838 Collegamento targhe con commutatore Art. 839/302 e posti esterni Art. 930A. Conventional 15 Vac call system with 831, 881, 838 power supply units. Entrance panels connected to 839/302 switching module and 930A speech units. Système d’appel traditionnel 15V c.a.
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8000 Sistema di chiamata “SOuND-SYSTEM” con alimentatore Art. 931, Art. 938A Collegamento targhe con commutatore Art. 839/302 e posti esterni Art. 930A. SOuND-SYSTEM call system with 931, 938A power supply units. Entrance panels connected to 839/302 switching module and 930A speech units. Système d’appel “SOuND-SYSTEM”...
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8000 Sistema unifilare “1+n” - Collegamento targa con posto esterno Art. 930D. unifilare “1+n” system - Entrance panel connected to 930D speech unit. Système unifilaire “1+n” - Raccordement plaque avec poste externe Art. 930D. Einsträngiges System “1+n” - Anschluss Tableau mit Außensprechstelle Art. 930D. Sistema con dos hilos “...
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8000 Collegamento di una targa fuoriporta Art. 88T2 con posto esterno Art. 930D su impianto videocitofonico “Digibus” Connection of an outdoor entrance panel type 88T2 with speech unit type 930D in “Digibus” video entrance panel systems. Raccordement d’une plaque porte palière Art. 88T2 avec poste externe Art. 930D dans des installations vidéo «Digibus». Anschluss eines Wohntürklingeltableaus Art.
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8000 Collegamento di una targa fuoriporta Art. 88T2 con posto esterno Art. 930D su impianto citofonico “Digibus” Wiring diagram for an outdoor entrance panel type 88T2 with speech unit type 930D in “Digibus” audio entrance panel systems. Raccordement d’une plaque porte palière Art. 88T2 avec poste externe Art. 930D dans des installations audio « Digibus ». Anschluss eines Wohntürklingeltableaus Art.
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8000 INSTALLATION RULES CONSIGNES D’INSTALLATION REGOLE D’INSTALLAZIONE Installation should be carried out observing L’installation doit etre effectuee en respec- L’installazione deve essere effettuata con current installation regulations for electrical tant les dispositions regissant l’installation l’osservanza delle disposizioni regolan- systems in the country where the products du materiel electrique en vigueur dans le ti l’installazione del materiale elettrico in are installed.