Fig. K
Carefully cut open rubber grommet (65) in front area at control unit box and carefully pass the auxiliary wiring
harness from navigation C, together with branches C5 and C6, through the opening in the rubber grommet (65) and
route to ABS hydraulic unit (63).
After installing auxiliary wiring harness from navigation C seal off (splash water protection) the opening in
rubber grommet (65) with silicon.
Release black 42-pin plug connector X1170 from ABS hydraulic unit and connect branches C5 and C6 as follows:
Plug in branch C5, 1-pin blade terminal contact, yellow/red wire, at plug-in slot PIN35 in black 42-pin plug
connector X1170 of ABS hydraulic unit.
Plug in branch C6, 1-pin blade terminal contact, yellow/white wire, at plug-in slot PIN18 in black 42-pin plug
connector X1170 of ABS hydraulic unit.
Lock black 42-pin plug connector X1170 and reconnect to ABS hydraulic unit.
Now secure auxiliary wiring harness for navigation C, in area of engine compartment with cable straps (32).
Fig. L
This figure shows the installation on a left-hand drive vehicle, the identical procedure should be followed for
right-hand drive vehicle.
For insulation purposes, fit a piece of shrink-fit tubing (35) on branch C5, 1-pin blade terminal contact, yellow/red
wire, and on branch C6, 1-pin blade terminal contact, yellow/white wire, of auxiliary wiring harness for navigation C
and shrink fit with hot air blower.
Now tie back branches C5 and C6 in area of front right sill (rocker panel) with cable straps (32).
Connect branch C3, 1-pin blade terminal contact, yellow/red wire, to strip connector X10183 (yellow/red wire at strip
connector) in strip connector box (66) behind the glovebox.
Connect branch C4, 1-pin blade terminal contact, yellow/white wire, to strip connector X10184 (yellow/white wire at
strip connector) in strip connector box (66) behind the glovebox.
Tie back any excess lengths of branches C3 and C4 with cable straps (32).
Continue with Section 2.5