Perform the wiring or modifications with the power supply turned off.
Make sure that the communication connections between the keypad
and receiver are braided together for their entire length.
* The non-compliance of the said instructions may compromise
the correct functioning of the equipment.
TELCOMA S.r.l. decline any responsibility for possible malfun-
ctions and/or damage caused by their non-compliance.
TELCOMA S.r.l. reserves the right to make modifications at any time
they deem necessary for the aesthetical and/or functional improvement
of the equipment.
The present guarantee covers possible faults and/or irregularities due
to manufacturing defects and/or faults.
The guarantee will automatically decay in the event of tampering or mi-
suse of the product.
During the guarantee period TELCOMA srl pledge to repair and/or re-
place defective and non-tampered parts. The call charges, as well as
the collection, packaging and transportation costs of the product for re-
pair or replacement are at the clients full and exclusive expense.