Skip commands are used in order to change the fl ow of the
execution of programs.
Programs are executed in the order in which they were cre-
ated, starting from step 1 until the fi nal step. This system is
not very convenient when there are operations that repeat
themselves or when a transfer of results to another formula
is necessary. In these cases, a skip command is recom-
There are three types of skip commands:
- Unconditional skip to sub-routine destination
- Conditional skips which decide the sub-routine destination
through a true/false condition
- Counting of skips for incrementing or reducing a specifi c
memory and then deciding the sub-routine destination after
proving if the stored value is equal to zero or not.
Unconditional Skips
The unconditional skip is composed by the Go to command
and Lbl. When the execution of the program is approaching
Go to n (where n is a number between 0 and 9), the execu-
tion will skip to the command Lbl n (where n is he same
number as specifi ed in the Go to command).
The unconditional skip is normally used in simple programs
for returning to the beginning of the program and being able
to realize repetitive calculations.