6. Open LockView software icon. For first-time login,
enter admin for both operator name and password.
This is preset for first-time users. (See Figure 3)
Figure 3
Once logged in, create personalized operator and
delete preset Admin operator. It is a liability and security
risk if easy Admin operator login is not deleted.
NOTE: Create a new personalized operator
before deleting preset Admin operator.
NOTE: Keep a personal list of all operator
names and passwords. Passwords are
encrypted once created and cannot be
viewed in software.
NOTE: Operators can build and maintain the
database of users and locks.
Select Operator Editor tab to create and edit new
operators. (See Figure 4)
Figure 4
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2. Select Add Operator. Enter the new operator name
3. Audit Trail/Compliance Dashboard Rights Only
4. To edit or delete an operator, select operator's
and create password. (See Figure 5)
Figure 5
box should only be selected if you don't want the
operator to have access to creating new operators,
locks and users. If chosen, the new operator will only
be able to view the audit trails and compliance
dashboard information but cannot add locks or
a. Select Edit Operator to change the name,
password or Audit Trail/Compliance Dashboard
b. Select Delete Operator to permanently delete
the operator.
NOTE: Each access control cabinet has one
lock associated with it.
NOTE: A specific cabinet lock cannot be
added on two different licenses.
NOTE: Locks can either be automatically or
manually configured into the software. Auto
configuration is the quickest way to add locks
and requires connecting laptop to the lock
using the USB cable.
NOTE: To finalize any created/edited locks,
laptop must be plugged into lock using
USB cable. LockView must be open on the
laptop and data will automatically sync.
Blue load bar on the bottom of the screen
will indicate once the sync is complete. Will
take approximately 15-20 seconds. Menu on
screen should say "In Sync" on bottom in green
when successfully connected to cabinet and
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