Ear Thermometer Advantages
Infrared Ear Thermometer measures core body temperature, which is
the temperature of a body's vital organs. (See Figure 1) Ear
temperatures accurately reflect core body temperatures since
the eardrum is in the cranial cavity and is not affected by the
environment. The eardrum shares blood supply with the
hypothalamus (part of the brain.) Therefore, body temperature
changes are reflected sooner in the ear than they are in other
parts of the body.
ˇAxillary (armpit) temperature measures skin temperature and
therefore may not be a reliable indicator of core body temperature.
ˇOral temperature can be influenced by drinking, eating,
and breathing.
ˇRectal temperature readings often lag behind changes in
core body temperature. Across-contamination risk may exist as well.
The following table demonstrates how normal temperature ranges
can vary by location of the body. Therefore measurements from
different body locations should not be directly compared. Normal
Ranges by Body Location:
A person's normal temperature range tends to decrease with age.
Normal Ranges by Age:
0-2 Years
3-10 Years
11-65 Years
Over 65 Years
Normal Ranges vary from person to person and can fluctuate
throughout the course of a day.
Body Temperature
34.7 – 37.3℃
35.5 – 37.5℃
35.8 – 38.0℃
36.4 – 38.0 ℃
36.1 – 37.8 ℃
35.9 – 37.6 ℃
35.8 – 37.5 ℃
94.5 – 99.1℉
95.9 – 99.5℉
96.4 – 100.4℉
97.5 – 100.4 ℉
97.0 – 100.0 ℉
96.6 – 99.7 ℉
96.4 – 99.5 ℉