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Note: For 220V 50Hz models, in which the model number ends with "ACE" or "CE", a programmable control is
used in place of the time switch. This unit is used to control the temperature and defrost settings. Please see the
separate instructions that are included on the operation of this control.
Drain Tube Heater
All low temperature, ceiling mounted Capsule Pak™ Refrigeration Systems employ a low wattage, electric heater
strip. This heater is spirally wound around the condensate drain tube that extends from the drain pan below the
evaporator coil to the evaporator section housing wall. This heater is energized continually to provide positive
discharge of the condensate moisture to the hot gas vaporizer. The heater and drain tube are covered with an
insulated tape.
WARNING: When servicing any Capsule Pak™ Refrigeration System or performing any maintenance
procedure, always disconnect the main power supply.
The condensing unit, condensate vaporizer, and the control box on low temperature models are all accessible
by removing the grills or louvers on the condensing unit housing. The evaporator coil section is accessible by
unlatching and removing the evaporator section housing cover. For access to the fan blade(s) and for oiling the
fan motor on some models, remove the louver on the walk-in ceiling.
Cleaning the Condenser
The efficiency of the condensing unit, to a great extent, depends upon the passage of air freely through the
condenser. For this reason, the condensing unit should be as clean as possible at all times and should always
have an unrestricted supply of air.
Cleaning the condenser should be done at a minimum of every 3 months.
A wire brush should be used to loosen the accumulation of dust and dirt particles that have attached to the fins
of the condenser. Once this accomplished, a vacuum cleaner can be used to remove the loosened particles. If
compressed air is used to clean the condenser, the air should be directed through the condenser from the fan
motor side. Wipe away any accumulated dust from the compressor motor and related parts.
The evaporator fan motor(s) on ceiling mounted systems
100 series and larger, should be oiled with a good grade of
S.A.E. #20 oil every six months. Evaporator fan motors on
ceiling mounted systems less than 100 series and on the
ceiling mounted CPX100 model do not require additional
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