PRECAUTION: Observe all plant depressurizing, cooling and safety procedures before installation.
Read all instructions before proceeding.
1. Make sure that the pressure has been released and that the valve has cooled to a safe level.
2. Remove all old packing material. Insure that the stem and stuffing box are not damaged during extraction.
3. Before installation, inspect the stem and stuffing box wall to make sure that they are free of wear, scale or
corrosion. Valve stem must also be free of nicks, scratches and burrs. Carefully clean stem and stuffing box wall to
remove any residual material that could affect the packing set. Repair or replace as necessary.
4. Use the correct cross section of packing. For ring I.D., measure the diameter of the shaft inside the stuffing box
area. For ring O.D. measure the inside diameter of the stuffing box. Cross Section = (OD- ID) ÷ 2.
5. Cut the packing into separate rings. Do not wind a coil of packing into stuffing box. The recommended method
of cutting rings for valves and expansion joints is to skive-cut at a 45° angle to the axis of the mandrel (see Figure
1). Cut one ring at a time, making sure that the first ring fits properly in the packing space. 1601 packing ring ends
should be taped (with a plant-approved tape) prior to cutting to help prevent unraveling.
6. Install the first ring of packing, making sure the ring is firmly seated (tamped) into the bottom of the stuffing box (we
recommend using a Chesterton 176 Tamping Tool). Install remaining rings in the same manner, staggering the joints
(stagger joints 180° if two rings are used; 120° if three rings are used; 90° if four or more rings are installed).
7. Install the gland nose so that it is resting on the top ring of packing. Tighten the gland nuts finger tight. Using the
gland nose as a reference, tighten the gland nuts until the packing set is compressed approximately 30% to 35% of
its uncompressed height. Make sure the stem is free to move by cycling the valve during the tightening process.
7a. For 1601 packing: Install the gland nose so that it is resting on the top ring of packing. Tighten the gland nuts finger
tight. Using the gland nose as a reference, tighten the gland nuts until the packing set is compressed approximately
40% to 45% of its uncompressed height. Make sure the stem is free to move by cycling the valve during the
tightening process. If the gland follower (nose) has less than one cross section left on the outside length of the
follower, add a sixth ring.
Chesterton recommends not more than five to seven rings be used in the stuffing box. If the stuffing
box is designed for more than 7 rings, a machined carbon bushing should be installed in the bottom of
the stuffing box to accommodate a five ring set.
A 4,000 psi gland load, minimum, is recommended for 1601 packing.
4,000 psi Gland Load, min. = 2286 psi System Operating Pressure x 1.75 Safety Factor
8. Using a dial torque wrench, measure and record the torque value applied to the packing gland nuts. Stroke the valve
a minimum of 5 full strokes. At the end of the last down/in-stroke, reapply the measured/recorded torque value. If
the nuts have any movement, continue stroking the valve in 5 full-stroke intervals, and at the end of the last down/
in-stroke, re-apply the measure/recorded torque value. Repeat if necessary until the packing is fully consolidated
(less than 1 flat rotation of the packing gland nuts is observed).
9. It is recommended to check for gland adjustment after a few hours of service. Take up as necessary.
FIG. 1
SKIVE Cut (2 Ring Set)