Instruction for use
Please read these instructions
TIP: We recommend you use
carefully before you use your
fresh, soft water. Very hard or
device for the first time.
salty water negatively affects the
flavour of the coffee.
Retain these user instructions
IMPORTANT: Never use the
for future reference.
espresso maker with an empty
water container (I) and never
use warm water to speed up the
Before you start using your espres-
coffee-making process.
so maker, make sure you have
all the necessary internal pieces
and that they are put together
the water container (I).
IMPORTANT: Before using your
coffee powder without pressing
espresso maker for the first time,
the powder. Put small quantities
wash all parts including the feed
of coffee into the coffee funnel (F),
tube with warm water.
or do so using a spoon, to avoid
Make sure the espresso maker
using too much coffee powder
is cold and open it by holding the
which could then spill out. Spread
water container (I) in one hand
the coffee powder evenly and dust
and turning the upper vessel (C)
any superfluous coffee powder
anti-clockwise, i.e. to the left, with
away from the edge of the coffee
the other.
funnel (F).
IMPORTANT: Only use top-quality
Take out the coffee funnel (F)
coffee powder, with a medium
and fill the water container (I) with
grind, that is particularly recom-
fresh water to the line (G) under
mended for espresso makers.
the safety valve (H).
Put the coffee funnel (F) into
Fill the coffee funnel (F) with
Put the espresso maker back
together again by holding the
• Whenever you want to clean the
water container (I) in one hand
espresso maker, wait until it has
and turning the upper vessel (C)
cooled off.
clockwise, i.e. to the right, with the
• Only use water to clean the de-
other. Do not press the handle.
vice. Never use scouring agents
Place the espresso maker on
or steel wool as these damage
the heat source. The espresso
the surface.
maker is suitable for use on
• Regularly clean the inside of the
ceramic stove tops and electric
feed tube (B).
hobs. The 10617 model is also suit-
• Regularly check the coffee
able for use on induction stoves.
funnel (F) and the seal (E). If they
WARNING: Not for gas stove use.
are showing signs of wear and
tear or damage, replace them.
Take the espresso maker from
the stove as soon as the brewing
Only use original parts.
procedure is completed and all
• Check every now and again that
the water has risen into the upper
the holes in the filter plate (D) are
vessel (C).
not blocked. If they are, clean
the holes with a needle.
WARNING: When hot, only touch
the plastic parts of the espresso
• Never put the espresso maker
back together again when it is
wet. Keep the parts separate.
Not suitable for extracts or herbal