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NVIDIA Graphics
User's Guide
by IBM



Resumen de contenidos para IBM OPTIONS 00N8069

  • Página 1 NVIDIA Graphics Adapter User’s Guide OPTIONS by IBM...
  • Página 2 “Appendix B. Product warranty and notices” on page B-1. First Edition (October 2000) © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

    Contents Safety information . About this book . . vii Installation guide . . 1-1 Appendix A. Help and service information . . A-1 Appendix B. Product warranty and notices . B-1 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 4 NVIDIA Graphics Adapter: User’s Guide...
  • Página 5: Safety Information

    Vor der Installation dieses Produkts die Sicherheitshinweise lesen. Prima di installare questo prodotto, leggere le Informazioni sulla Sicurezza. Lees voordat u dit product installeert eerst de veiligheidsvoorschriften. Les sikkerhetsinformasjonen (Safety Information) før du installerer dette produktet. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 6 Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informações sobre Segurança. Pred inštaláciou tohto zariadenia si pečítaje Bezpečnostné predpisy. Antes de instalar este producto lea la información de seguridad. Läs säkerhetsinformationen innan du installerar den här produkten. NVIDIA Graphics Adapter: User’s Guide...
  • Página 7: About This Book

    Your feedback is valuable to us in developing products and services that are important to you, as well as in developing better ways to communicate with you. Register your option on the IBM Web site at
  • Página 8 viii NVIDIA Graphics Adapter: User’s Guide...
  • Página 9: Installation Guide

    When you remove an adapter from your computer, place it back in its original container. v When handling the graphics adapter, hold it by its edges, and avoid touching its circuitry. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 10 For instructions on how to remove the cover from your computer, refer to the documentation that comes with your computer. ® For IBM computers, refer to your user guide for instructions on opening the computer cover, removing existing adapters, and installing adapters in expansion slots.
  • Página 11 Installing the device drivers This section contains instructions for installing device drivers for the NVIDIA Graphics Adapter. These instructions are for installing the device drivers with ® ® Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, ® Microsoft Windows NT Workstation and Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me).
  • Página 12 8. From the Models list, select Standard PCI Graphics Adapter (VGA), and then click Next. 9. Click Next to install the driver, and then click Finish. 10. Click Apply, then click Close. 11. Shut down the operating system and turn off the computer. 12.
  • Página 13 Installing the device drivers for Windows NT If you use Windows NT, follow these instructions to install your device drivers: 1. Start Windows NT. 2. Click Start, click Settings, and then click Control Panel. 3. Double-click Display, and then click the Settings tab. 4.
  • Página 14 9. From the Models list, select Standard PCI Graphics Adapter (VGA), and then click Next. 10. Click Next and then click Finish. 11. Shut down the operating system and restart the computer. 12. Remove the previous graphics adapter and insert the new one. 13.
  • Página 15: Description Du Produit

    êtes prêt à l’installer. Lorsque vous retirez une carte de l’ordinateur, replacez-la immédiatement dans son emballage d’origine. v Lorsque vous manipulez une carte graphique, tenez-la par les côtés et évitez de toucher ses circuits. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 16: Installation De La Carte Graphique Nvidia

    à la documentation fournie avec l’ordinateur. Si vous utilisez un ordinateur IBM, reportez-vous au guide d’utilisation pour plus d’informations sur le retrait du boîtier, sur celui des cartes existantes et sur l’installation des cartes dans les emplacements d’extension.
  • Página 17 Installation des pilotes de périphérique Cette section contient les instructions d’installation des pilotes de périphérique associés à la carte graphique NVIDIA. Ces instructions concernent l’installation des pilotes de périphérique sous Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows NT Workstation et Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me).
  • Página 18 2. Cliquez sur Démarrer, puis sur Paramètres et Panneau de configuration. 3. Cliquez deux fois sur Affichage, puis sélectionnez Paramètres. 4. Cliquez sur Avancé, puis sur Carte et sur Modifier. 5. Cliquez sur Suivant, sélectionnez Afficher une liste de tous les pilotes, puis cliquez sur Suivant.
  • Página 19 10. Cliquez sur Disque fourni. 11. Insérez le CD-ROM dans son unité, puis sélectionnez ou tapez le chemin d’accès au CD-ROM. 12. Cliquez sur Parcourir, puis sur Ouvrir et enfin sur OK. 13. Dans la liste Modèles, sélectionnez NVIDIA GeForce2 MX et cliquez sur Suivant.
  • Página 20 20. Cliquez sur OK, fermez les fenêtres et cliquez sur Oui pour redémarrer l’ordinateur. L’ordinateur redémarre. Installation des pilotes de périphérique sous Windows Millennium (Me) Si vous utilisez Windows Me, suivez les instructions suivantes pour installer les pilotes de périphérique. 1.
  • Página 21: Instructions De Désinstallation

    Instructions de désinstallation Pour désinstaller les pilotes de périphérique, procédez comme suit : 1. Cliquez sur Démarrer, puis sur Paramètres et Panneau de configuration. 2. Cliquez deux fois sur Ajout/Suppression de programmes, puis sélectionnez Extension des propriétés d’affichage NVIDIA (NVIDIA Display Properties Extension).
  • Página 22 1-14 NVIDIA Graphics Adapter: User’s Guide...
  • Página 23 Cuando desmonte un adaptador del sistema, vuelva a colocarlo en su contenedor original. v Siempre que toque la tarjeta gráfica, sujétela por los extremos y evite tocar el sistema de circuitos. 1-15 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 24 él. Desmonte la cubierta del sistema. Para saber cómo hacerlo, consulte la documentación que se adjunta con el sistema. ® Para sistemas IBM , consulte la guía del usuario para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo desmontar la cubierta del sistema, extraer tarjetas gráficas existentes e instalar tarjetas en las ranuras de expansión.
  • Página 25 Instalación de los controladores de dispositivo Esta sección contiene instrucciones para realizar la instalación de los controladores de dispositivo de la tarjeta gráfica NVIDIA. Éstas son ® instrucciones para instalar los controladores de dispositivo con Microsoft ® Windows 95, Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft ®...
  • Página 26 Instalación de los controladores de dispositivo con Windows Si utiliza Windows 98, siga las instrucciones que aparecen a continuación para instalar los controladores de dispositivo: 1. Inicie Windows 98. 2. Pulse en Inicio, en Configuración y, a continuación, en Panel de control. 3.
  • Página 27 4. Pulse en Inicio, en Configuración y, a continuación, en Panel de control. 5. Efectúe una doble pulsación en Pantalla y, a continuación, pulse en la pestaña Configuración. 6. Pulse en Avanzada, seleccione la pestaña Adaptador y, a continuación, Propiedades. 7.
  • Página 28 Nota: Si Windows no encuentra los archivos de la tarjeta gráfica NVIDIA, asegúrese de que la vía de acceso del CD-ROM sea la correcta y de que el CD que ha insertado sea también el adecuado. 18. Pulse en Abrir y, a continuación, en Aceptar. 19.
  • Página 29 Nota: Si Windows no encuentra los archivos de la tarjeta gráfica NVIDIA, asegúrese de que la vía de acceso del CD-ROM sea la correcta y de que el CD que ha insertado sea también el adecuado. 21. Efectúe una doble pulsación en el sistema operativo que esté utilizando y, a continuación, pulse en Aceptar.
  • Página 30 1-22 NVIDIA Graphics Adapter: User’s Guide...
  • Página 31: Guida All'iNstallazione

    Quando un adattatore viene rimosso dall’elaboratore, posizionarlo nell’involucro originale. v Quando l’adattatore grafico viene gestito, mantenerlo dalle estremità ed evitare il contatto con il circuito esposto. Installazione dell’adattatore grafico NVIDIA Per installare l’adattatore grafico NVIDIA, procedere nel modo seguente: 1-23 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 32 Per le istruzioni sull’apertura del coperchio dell’elaboratore, la rimozione degli adattatori esistenti e l’installazione degli adattatori negli alloggiamenti ® per espansione, per gli elaboratori IBM , consultare la guida per l’utente. 2. Rimuovere qualsiasi adattatore grafico installato precedentemente. Se non si dispone di altri adattatori grafici, ma la scheda di sistema dell’elaboratore è...
  • Página 33 Installazione dei driver di periferica Questa sezione contiene le istruzioni sull’installazione dei driver di periferica relativi all’adattatore grafico NVIDIA. Tali istruzioni sono relative ® all’installazione dei driver di periferica con i sistemi operativi Microsoft ® Windows 95, Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft ®...
  • Página 34 4. Fare clic su Avanzate, fare clic sul separatore Scheda e poi su Cambia. 5. Fare clic su Avanti, su Mostra un elenco di tutti i driver e poi fare clic su Avanti. 6. Fare clic su Mostra hardware. 7. Dall’elenco Produttori, selezionare Tipi di schermo standard. 8.
  • Página 35 Nota: Se Windows non è in grado di rilevare i file dell’adattatore grafico NVIDIA, verificare che il percorso dell’unità CD-ROM sia corretto e che il CD sia inserito correttamente. 12. Fare clic su Avanti e poi su Fine. 13. Per riavviare l’elaboratore, fare clic su Sì. Installazione dei driver di periferica per Windows NT Se si utilizza Windows NT, per installare i driver di periferica, seguire le istruzioni riportate di seguito:...
  • Página 36 6. Selezionare Mostra un elenco dei driver e poi fare clic su Avanti. 7. Selezionare Mostra hardware. 8. Dall’elenco Produttori, selezionare Tipi di schermi standard. 9. Dall’elenco Modelli, selezionare Scheda video VGA compatibile e poi fare clic su Avanti. 10. Fare clic su Avanti e poi su Fine. 11.
  • Página 37 Ao remover um adaptador do computador, coloque-o de volta em seu contêiner original. v Quando manusear o adaptador gráfico, segure-o pelas bordas e evite tocar o conjunto de circuitos. 1-29 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 38 Para obter instruções sobre como remover a tampa do computador, consulte a documentação fornecida com o computador. ® Para computadores IBM , consulte o guia do usuário para obter instruções sobre como abrir a tampa do computador, remover as placas existentes e instalar as placas em slots de expansão.
  • Página 39 Instalando os Drivers de Dispositivo Esta seção contém instruções para instalar os drivers de dispositivo do Adaptador Gráfico NVIDIA. Essas instruções são para instalar os drivers de ® ® dispositivo com o Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Microsoft Windows ® 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows NT Workstation e Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me).
  • Página 40 1. Inicie o Windows 98. 2. Clique em Iniciar, clique em Configurações e, em seguida, clique em Painel de Controle. 3. Dê um clique duplo em Vídeo e, em seguida, clique na guia Configurações. 4. Clique em Avançado, clique na guia Adaptador e, em seguida, clique em Alterar.
  • Página 41 5. Dê um clique duplo em Vídeo e, em seguida, clique na guia Configurações. 6. Clique em Avançado, clique na guia Adaptador e, em seguida, clique em Propriedades. 7. Clique na guia Driver e, em seguida, clique em Atualizar Driver. 8.
  • Página 42 Nota: Se o Windows não conseguir encontrar os arquivos do Adaptador Gráfico NVIDIA, certifique-se de que o caminho para o CD-ROM esteja correto e o CD correto esteja inserido. 18. Clique em Abrir e, em seguida, clique em OK. 19. Selecione NVIDIA GeForce2 MX e clique em Sim para copiar os arquivos.
  • Página 43 Nota: Se o Windows não conseguir encontrar os arquivos do Adaptador Gráfico NVIDIA, certifique-se de que o caminho para o CD-ROM esteja correto e o CD correto esteja inserido. 21. Dê um clique duplo no sistema operacional que você está utilizando e clique em OK.
  • Página 44 1-36 Adaptador Gráfico NVIDIA: Guia do Usuário...
  • Página 45 ΩTΓU t dºeA IH KRql t dW ql s≤G ⌠≤qls≤ºeA ² ±H¡Rq ICΦkO Γ qú≈ í≈C v úDzwg dOsb ñC ϕzNt dqqúñε°U ºßA] dwm≤ q] ñC v bBzhB HΓ dΣt í≈ Σñ q⌠ ≤C 1-37 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 46 FMß÷¼qú q C qúH qu q uCεúqú C ÷p≤ε°zqú í A \H ≤qú] ñ σ≤C ® t dMbXR O IBM qúA ÷} qú Bε° ÷@ A ÷ Ww st d ΓUñ 2. ² ú ²w t dCpGzqú S t dA O í...
  • Página 47 3. s÷ΓUπ AMß∩ ]wC 4. ÷@UiÑ eAMß∩ t dA A÷ ≤C 5. ∩ π 6. busyt vMµñA∩ u °Td ¼vC 7. qMµñ∩ Standard PCI Graphics Adapter (VGA)AMß÷@UTwC 8. ÷@UM AMß÷TwA A÷M C ² ε@ t A÷≈C ú²e t dAíJsdC 11. ϕ Windows 95 ½s ßA÷@U}lAA÷]wA A÷...
  • Página 48 : pG Windows Σú t dX {í NVIDIA ⁿwF T ≈⌠ A O ±J T 18. q ñ∩ z @ t Cϕ Windows Σ A ÷@U A÷U@BCWindows s w ñC 19. ÷@U ¿AA÷M A A÷÷¼C 20. ÷@UOA½s qúC mX {í Windows 2000 O Windows 2000A ϕ...
  • Página 49 17. s÷ΓUX {íAAs÷ΓU GeForce2 MXA A÷ΓUz t W C t dX {í : pG Windows Σú NVIDIA ⁿwF T ≈⌠ A O ±J T 18. ÷@U} AA÷@UTwC 19. ∩ NVIDIA GeForce2 MXAMß÷@UOAt w WC 20. ÷@UTw ÷¼ °íAMß÷@UOA½s qúCqúYi½s mX {í Windows Me O Windows MeA ϕ...
  • Página 50 í úw ϕ UCí iµ mX {í úw @ G 1. ÷@U}lAMß÷]wA A÷ εxC 2. s÷ΓUsW/ ú{íAMß∩ NVIDIA Display Properties ExtensionC ∩ Windows NT ÑA ∩ NVIDIA Windows NT 4.0 Display DriversC 3. ÷@UsW/ úC 4. ÷@UOAT{zQn ú ⁿw mX {íC 5.
  • Página 51 O"3D 2<`+iSG*qD^GNOON"Wj1<7gsrHQD=K7^ 9#0iU#C/9&"@W?<O"G#8?k&bK?<eG DVI-D $s? <U'<9b5]<H7^9# *W7gs&QC1<8KO"\qN[+Kb"!NbN,^^lF$^9# v 0iU#C/9&"@W?< v Installation CD for NVIDIA Graphics Adapter with GeForce2 MX processor v B4eNmUNqA $s9H<kN?aN`w 0iU#C/9&"@W?<rhjU1k0K"ERt,,EE$Khj;}5 lJ$h&K"J<N=I<VrHk,W,"j^9# v ERt,K(k0K"HN+iEE$r|n7F/@5$#HNNEE$ O"3sTe<?<Nb0Ul<`K(kH|nG-^9# v 0iU#C/9&"@W?<rhjU1k`w,0&^G"EE$I_QC 1<8+ihjP5J$G/@5$#3sTe<?<+i"@W?<rhj 07?i"5NEE$I_QC1<8Ka7^9# v 0iU#C/9&"@W?<rhj7&]KO"+<IN<rbA""@W ?<Ns)t,K(lJ$h&K7F/@5$# 1-43 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 52 NVIDIA 0iU#C/9&"@W?<NhjU1 NVIDIA 0iU#C/9&"@W?<rhjU1kKO"!Nh&KT$^ 1. 9YFN\3uVNE;rZCF+i"3sTe<?<NE;rZj^9# 9YFN3<I*hSE;1<Vkr3sTe<?<*hS9YFN\3u V+i4-^9#3sTe<?<+i+P<rhj07^9#3sTe<? <+i+P<rhj09}!KD$FO"3sTe<?<KU0NqAr2 H7F/@5$# ® 3sTe<?<NlgO"3sTe<?<&+P<N+1}"{8N "@W?<Nhj07}"H%9mCHXN"@W?<NhjU1}KD$ FO"f<6<&,$Ir2H7F/@5$# 2. J0KhjU1ilF$k0iU#C/9&"@W?<rhj07^9#> K0iU#C/9&"@W?<,J$,"3sTe<?<&79F`&\< IKH_~_ VGA 0iU#C/9!=,U$F$klgO"VGA 0iU #C/9!=,HQTDKJCF$k3HrN'7F/@5$#3sTe< ?<N VGA 0iU#C/9!=rHQTDK9kpsKD$FO"3sT e<?<KU0NqAr2H7F/@5$# 3. AGP H%9mCHr*r7^9# M8v`: 0iU#C/9&"@W?<r57/J$?$WN9mCHK^ ~9kH""@W?<^?O3sTe<?<""k$O=N>},;}9k lg,"j^9# 3sTe<?<NF?$WNH%9mCHNLVrN'9k?aKO"3s Te<?<KU0NqAr2H7F/@5$# M8v`: 3M/?<&TsN#K"kWi9AC/&?VrH%9mCH K^~7J$G/@5$# 4. HQ7?$H%9mCHNH%9mCH&+P<rhj07^9#M8O" hjU1bqHloKHQ9k?aKhCF*$F/@5$# 5.
  • Página 53 9. =N>N\3uVN1<Vk&Wi0r3sTe<?<K97~_^9#3 sTe<?<"bK?<"*hS=N>N\3uVNE;1<VkNWi0 r3s;sHK97~_"3sTe<?<*hS9YFN\3uVNE;r ~l^9# GP$9&Ii$P<N$s9H<k 33GO"NVIDIA 0iU#C/9&"@W?<QNGP$9&Ii$P<r ® $s9H<k9kjg,-\5lF$^9#3liNjgO"Microsoft ® Windows 95" Windows 98"Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional"Microsoft ® Workstation *hS Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) Windows NT K$s9H<k9k?aNbNG9# HQ9k*Zl<F#s0&79F`N ar2H7F/@5$# Windows 95 QGP$9&Ii$P<N$s9H<k Windows 95 rHQ7F$klgO"J<NjgK>CFGP$9&Ii$P< r$s9H<k7F/@5$# 1. Windows 95 rO07^9# 2.
  • Página 54 15. 4HQN*Zl<F#s0&79F`r CD +i*r7^9#Windows , U!$kr+D1?i"VOKWr/jC/7^9#Windows O"U!$k rO<I&G#9/K3T<7^9# 16. V,QWr/jC/7"VOKWr/jC/7F"V,QWr/jC/7^ 17. VO$Wr/jC/7F"3sTe<?<rFO07^9# Windows 98 QGP$9&Ii$P<N$s9H<k Windows 98 rHQ7F$klgO"J<NjgK>CFGP$9&Ii$P< r$s9H<k7F/@5$# 1. Windows 98 rO07^9# 2. V9?<HWr/jC/7"V_jWr/jC/7F"V3sHm<k Q MkWr/jC/7^9# 3. VhLWr@Vk/jC/7F+i"V_jW?Vr/jC/7^9# 4. V\YWr/jC/7"V"@W?W?Vr/jC/7F+i"VQ9Wr /jC/7^9# 5. V!XWr/jC/7"VCjNljK"k9YFNIi$PNlwrn. 7"$s9H<k9kIi$Pr*r9kWr/jC/7F"V!XWr/ jC/7^9# 6. V9YFNO<I&'"r=(Wr/jC/7^9# 7. =$5Nj9H+iV(8`G#9Wl$)Wr*r7^9# 8.
  • Página 55 18. 4HQN*Zl<F#s0&79F`r CD +i*r7^9#Windows , U!$kr+D1?i" VOKWr/jC/7F"V!XWr/jC/7^ 9# Windows O"U!$krO<I&G#9/K3T<7^9# 19. V0;Wr/jC/7"V,QWr/jC/7F"VD8kWr/jC/7 20. VO$Wr/jC/7F"3sTe<?<rFO07^9# Windows 2000 QGP$9&Ii$P<N$s9H<k Windows 2000 rHQ7F$klgO"J<NjgK>CFGP$9&Ii$P <r$s9H<k7F/@5$# 1. Windows r*;7F"E;rZj^9# 2. hjU1ilF$k0iU#C/9&"@W?<rhj07"77$"@W ?<rhjU1^9# 3. Windows 2000 rO07^9# 4. V9?<HWr/jC/7"V_jWr/jC/7F"V3sHm<k Q MkWr/jC/7^9# 5. VhLWr@Vk/jC/7F+i"V_jW?Vr/jC/7^9# 6. V\YWr/jC/7"V"@W?W?Vr/jC/7"!$GVWmQF #Wr/jC/7^9# 7.
  • Página 56 6. =$5Nj9H+iV(8`G#9Wl$No`)Wr*r7"Display j9 H+iVVGA _9G#9Wl$ "@W?Wr*r7^9# 7. VOKWr/jC/7"VOKWr/jC/7^9# 8. +$F$k&#sI&rD8F"Windows NT r*;7"E;rZj^ 9. hjU1ilF$k0iU#C/9&"@W?<rhj07"77$"@W ?<rhjU1^9# 10. E;r~l^9# 11. Windows NT rO07^9# 12. Windows NT ,FO07?i"V9?<HWr/jC/7" V_jWr/ jC/7F+i"V3sHm<k QMkWr/jC/7^9# 13. VhLWr@Vk/jC/7F+i"VG#9Wl$N_jW?Vr/jC /7^9# 14. VG#9Wl$No`Wr/jC/7F"VQ9Wr/jC/7^9# 15. CD r^~7^9#VG#9/HQWr/jC/7^9# 16. V2HWr/jC/7F"CD-ROM Ii$Vr/jC/7^9# 17. VIi$PWr@Vk/jC/7"VGeForce2 MXWr@Vk/jC/7 F"4HQN*Zl<F#s0&79F`r@Vk/jC/7^9# m: Windows , NVIDIA 0iU#C/9&"@W?<QNU!$kr+D 1k3H,G-J$lgO"...
  • Página 57 11. Windows Me r*;7F"3sTe<?<rFO07^9# 12. hjU1ilF$k0iU#C/9&"@W?<rhj07"77$"@W ?<rhjU1^9# 13. Windows Me ,FO07?i"V9?<HWr/jC/7" V_jWr/ jC/7F+i"V3sHm<k QMkWr/jC/7^9# 14. VhLWr@Vk/jC/7F+i"V_jW?Vr/jC/7^9# 15. V\YWr/jC/7"V"@W?W?Vr/jC/7F+i"VQ9Wr /jC/7^9# 16. VIi$PNljrXj9k (\7$N1N"k}~1) Wr*r7F+ i"V!XWr/jC/7^9# 17. VCjNljK"k9YFNIi$PNlwr=(7"$s9H<k9kI i$Pr*r9kWr*r7F"V!XWr/jC/7^9# 18. V9YFNO<I&'"r=(Wr*r7^9# 19. CD r^~7^9#VG#9/HQWr/jC/7"CD eNGP$9&I i$P<&U!$kXNQ9r*r9k+"~O7^9# 20. V2HWr/jC/7" VIi$PWr@Vk/jC/7F+i" VGeForce2 MXWr@Vk/jC/7^9# m: Windows , NVIDIA 0iU#C/9&"@W?<QNU!$kr+D 1k3H,G-J$lgO"...
  • Página 58 1-50 NVIDIA Graphics Adapter: User’s Guide...
  • Página 59: Appendix A. Help And Service Information

    During the warranty period, assistance for replacement or exchange of defective components is available. In addition, if your IBM option is installed in an IBM computer, you might be entitled to service at your location. Your technical support representative can help you determine the best alternative.
  • Página 60 HelpCenter phone list on the IBM support Web page at If the number is not provided, contact your IBM reseller or IBM marketing representative. Response time may vary depending on the number and nature of the calls received.
  • Página 61: Appendix B. Product Warranty And Notices

    Country-unique Terms.The terms of Part 2 may replace or modify those of Part 1.The warranties provided by IBM in this Statement of Warranty apply only to Machines you purchase for your use, and not for resale, from IBM or your reseller. The term ″Machine″ means an IBM machine, its features, conversions, upgrades, elements, or accessories, or any combination of them.
  • Página 62 If a Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period, and IBM or your reseller are unable to either 1) make it do so or 2) replace it with one that is at least functionally equivalent, you may return it to your place of purchase and your money will be refunded.
  • Página 63 To obtain warranty service for the Machine, contact your reseller or IBM. In the United States, call IBM at 1-800-772-2227. In Canada, call IBM at 1-800-565-3344. (In Toronto, call 416-383-3344.) You may be required to present proof of purchase. IBM or your reseller provides certain types of repair and exchange service, either at your location or at a service center, to keep Machines in, or restore them to, conformance with their Specifications.
  • Página 64 IBM is responsible for loss of, or damage to, your Machine while it is 1) in IBM’s possession or 2) in transit in those cases where IBM is responsible for the transportation charges. Neither IBM nor your reseller is responsible for any of your confidential, proprietary or personal information contained in a Machine which you return to IBM or your reseller for any reason.
  • Página 65 If a Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period, and IBM or your reseller are unable to either 1) make it do so or 2) replace it with one that is at least functionally equivalent, you may return it to your place of purchase and your money will be refunded.
  • Página 67 IBM or your reseller of changes in a Machine’s location. IBM is responsible for loss of, or damage to, your Machine while it is 1) in IBM’s possession or 2) in transit in those cases where IBM is responsible for the transportation charges.
  • Página 68 Circumstances may arise where, because of a default on IBM’s part or other liability, you are entitled to recover damages from IBM. In each such instance, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages from IBM (including fundamental breach, negligence, misrepresentation, or other contract or tort claim), IBM is liable for no more than 1.
  • Página 69 Practices Act 1974, IBM’s liability is limited to the repair or replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods. Where that condition or warranty relates to right to sell, quiet possession or clear title, or the goods are of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption, then none of the limitations in this paragraph apply.
  • Página 70 EGYPT: Limitation of Liability: The following replaces item 2 in this Section: 2. as to any other actual direct damages, IBM’s liability will be limited to the total amount you paid for the Machine that is the subject of the claim.
  • Página 71 Applicability of suppliers and resellers (unchanged). The following paragraph is added at the end of this Section: IBM’s entire liability and your sole remedy, whether in contract or in tort, in respect of any default shall be limited to damages.
  • Página 72 The following item is added to this paragraph: 3. breach of IBM’s obligations implied by Section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or Section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982.
  • Página 73 Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead.
  • Página 74: Trademarks

    IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
  • Página 75 Directive 89/366/ECC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. IBM can not accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a non-recommended modification of the product, including the fitting of non-IBM option cards.
  • Página 76 89/336/EEC du Conseil de l’UE sur le rapprochement des lois des États membres en matière de compatibilité électromagnétique. IBM ne peut accepter aucune responsabilité pour le manquement aux exigences de protection résultant d’une modification non recommandée du produit, y compris l’installation de cartes autres que les cartes IBM.
  • Página 77 IBM non accetta responsabilità alcuna per la mancata conformità alle normative di protezione dovuta a modifiche non consigliate al prodotto, compresa l’installazione di schede e componenti di marca diversa da IBM. Le prove effettuate sul presente prodotto hanno accertato che esso rientra nei limiti stabiliti per le le apparecchiature di informatica Classe B ai sensi del CISPR 22/Norma Europea EN 55022.
  • Página 78 B-18 NVIDIA Graphics Adapter: User’s Guide...
  • Página 80 Part Number: 00N8069 Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper containing 10% recovered post-consumer fiber. (1P) P/N: 00N8069...