7. Rehook Controller on front guardrail.
8. Push Chassis Lift Switch to UP position and
elevate platform while pushing the Tilt Sensor
off of level. The platform should only elevate
about .3 m (1 ft.) and the Tilt Alarm should
sound. If the platform continues to elevate and/
or there is no alarm STOP and remove the
machine from service until repaired.
9. Release the Tilt Sensor and fully elevate plat-
10. Visually inspect the elevating assembly, lift
cylinder, cables and hoses for damage or
erratic operation. Check for missing or loose
11. Lower the platform partially by pushing Chassis
Lift Switch to DOWN, and check operation of
the audible lowering alarm.
12. Push down on the Chassis Emergency Lower-
ing Switch to check for proper operation. Once
the platform is fully lowered, release the switch.
13. With only one Emergency Stop Button pushed
down, in the OFF position, operate a control to
verify that the Emergency Stop Switch is func-
tioning. Repeat the test with only the other
Emergency Stop Switch OFF. If any function
operates with either Emergency Stop Switch in
the OFF position STOP and remove the ma-
chine from service until it is repaired.
14. Close and secure module covers.
15. Turn the Controller Key Switch counterclock-
wise to OFF.
Speed Range
Stop Switch
Key Switch
Figure 2: Controller
Before operating work platform, ensure that the
pre-operation and safety inspection has been
completed, any deficiencies have been corrected
and the operator has been thoroughly trained on
this machine.
Travel With Platform Lowered
1. Verify Chassis Emergency Stop Switch is in the
2. After mounting platform, close and latch gate.
3. Check that route is clear of persons, obstruc-
4. Check clearances above, below and to the
5. Pull Controller Emergency Stop Button out to
6. Turn Controller Key Switch fully clockwise to
Note: On Diesel Models, if the engine is cold,
depress and hold the glow plug button for 6
seconds prior to starting to engage the glow
7. Set the Drive/Lift Speed Range Switch to HIGH
8. Grasp the Control Lever so the Interlock Lever
9. While moving, push the Drive/Lift Speed Range
Control Lever
Push the Steering Switch RIGHT or LEFT to turn
the wheels. Observe the tyres while maneuvering
to insure proper direction.
Note: Steering is not self-centering. Wheels
must be returned to the straight ahead position
by operating the Steering Switch.
Glow Plug
ON position, pull the button out.
Check that guardrails are in position and prop-
erly assembled with fasteners properly torqued.
tions, holes and drop-offs and is capable of
supporting the wheel loads.
sides of the platform.
ON position.
start the engine, releasing the key once the
engine starts.
is depressed (releasing the Interlock Lever cuts
power to Controller). Slowly push or pull the
Control Lever to FORWARD or REVERSE to
travel in the desired direction. The farther you
push or pull the Control Lever from centre the
faster the machine will travel.
Switch to HIGH SPEED for travel on level
surfaces or to HIGH TORQUE for climbing
grades or travelling in confined areas.