A few last words on keeping
Cozmo healthy and happy.
Cozmo's got his own moves, and he likes to move in his own way. So try
not to push him, or force his lift. He might get a little fussy.
Cozmo's an explorer, and his treads are what enable him to get around so
well. The cleaner you can keep them, the better his traction and mobility
will be. Not to mention his dance moves.
Here's a little exercise: Imagine a pool, a sink, a tub, a toilet bowl, a spilled
Slurpee. Now imagine them each in a red circle with a line through it.
Water + Cozmo = no bueno.
Finally, whenever you're done playing with Cozmo, make sure he's back
home on his charger. This is his happy place. In fact, if you ever run into
any issues with Cozmo, there's a good chance a little quality charger time
will take care of everything.
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