Samoa RM-12CLX Serie Guía De Servicio Técnico Y Recambio página 5

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CAUTION: Beware not to free the latch because the spool can
get loose and start turning freely, which could cause injure.
2. Disconnect the old hose from the reel fitting (4) (fig. 7), and take
away the hose stopper.
3. Place the hose stopper at the new hose outlet end (fig. 5).
4. Introduce the new hose end (the opposite one of the hose stopper)
through the rollers outlet (3) (fig. 7), and put it through the spool
window, to be able to conect it to the hose reel fitting (4) (fig. 7).
The hose reels supplied with hose, have setted as a standar pre-tension
the maximum pre-tension available, which match with shown in Table
1. If you don´t feel confortable with this and prefer to adjust the spring
force to suit your personal choice, you can follow the next procedure:
1. First of all is necessary to remove the power spring tension. To do
so, with all the hose coiled and the hose stopper contacting with the
roller outlet, introduce a square key (1) (fig. 9) in the Tensor piece
(2) (fig. 9), and loosen the bolts (3) (fig. 9). Do not turn the tool (1)
(fig. 9) until all the bolts have been taken away, because the stress
could damage the Tensor piece (3) (fig. 10).
WARNING: Extreme caution while applying tension adjustments
to the power spring, because it has strong force. Grab firmly the
key and the hose reel, using heavy leather gloves. If the spool
starts to turn freely, it could cause injuries.
- Never allow the spool to turn freely. If it does, high speeds could
be reached. Hose reel parts could be damaged, and you could
be injured if hitted by the hose or any other moving part.
- Always grasp firmly and with enough security the spool and
adjusting tools while applying tension to the spring. The spring
tension can cause the tools to move violently.
1. Take apart the service lid (2) (fig. 11) loosening the plastic nuts
(1) (fig. 11). No tools required to do this operation.
CAUTION: Beware the spool not to start turning freely, which
could cause injure.
2. Turn the spool until the latch is visible through the wide
service window.
3. Block the spool using appropiate tools. If not, it is
recommended to block the spool using an Allen key
7 mm between faces (1) (fig. 8) introducing it inside the brass
hexagon (2) (fig. 8), through the Tensor piece (3) (fig. 8). You can
also move the hose stopper (fig. 5) to a new position, where the
latch can be seen through the service window when the hose
stopper touches the roller outlet.
4. Loosen the bolt (3) (fig. 11) and take away the reinforcement metal
sheet (4) (fig. 11), the latch (5) (fig. 11), and the spring (6) (fig. 11).
5. Clean all the components, or replace then for a new ones.
6. Assemble the new latch and the sprig through the guiding axis (7)
(fig. 11), having in mind that the spring arms side must be oriented
towards the latch, and leaving the spigot between the spring arms.
7. Place the reinforcement metal sheet (4) (fig. 11) and introduce the
bolt (3) (fig. 11). When tighten the bolt beware not to exceed 4 Nm
torque, otherwise, the bolt thread can be damaged.
SAMOA Industrial, S.A. · Pol. Ind. Porceyo, I-14 · Camino del Fontán, 831 · 33392 - Gijón - Spain · Tel.: +34 985 381 488 ·
The casing has a wide window to facilitate the task. When tightening
the fittings, beware not to place too much stress over the plastic
spool, because it could be damaged.
5. Release the spool, unlatching and removing all the security tools,
and let the hose to coil gently between your hands.
6. Verify if the hose reel is coiling properly with the desired force,
coiling and uncoiling several times. If necessary, adjust the spring
tension following the instructions shown in section "Spring load
2. By turning the tool in negative direction, following the indication
stamped on the casing (4) (fig. 8), the power spring will loose force.
By turning the tool in possitive direction, the power spring will gain
force. Add or subtract turns as you need allways having in mind to
leave a minimum of 2 pre-tension turns and a maximum pre-tension
turn which avoid to exceed the spring total allowed turns.
CAUTION: Make sure to avoid the power spring to exceed the
19 maximum turns. If so, the service life and the spring power
will be decreased.
If you are in doubt about how many pre-tension turns to apply,
first, count the spool turns "N" to fully coil the desired hose.
Then, calculate 19-N = maximum pre-tension turns.
3. Finally, while grasping firmly the tool, introduce again the bolts (3)
(fig. 9). Remember not to turn the tool when the bolts are in place,
because this could damage the Tensor piece (3) (fig. 10). When all
the bolts are tightened, you can take away the tool. Verify if the hose
reel is coiling properly with the desired force, coiling and uncoiling
several times. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Fig. 11
8. Verify the latch is moving correctly and assemble again the service
lid, tightening the plastic nuts carefully (beware not to damage the
nuts thread). Hold the hose and unlatch the spool taking away the
security tools which are blocking its movement. Gently let the spool
to coil the remaining uncoiled hose.
R. 09/19 850 840


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