Never allow the spool to turn freely. If it does, high speeds could be
reached. Hose reel parts could be damaged and you could be
injured if hitted by the hose or any other moving part.
Always grasp firmly, and with enough security, the spool and
adjusting tools while applying tension to the spring. The spring
tension can cause the tools to move violently
2. By turning the tool in negative direction, following the indication stamped
on the casing (4) (fig. 10), the power spring will loose force. Make sure the
power spring has no tension and the spool don´t tend to turn.
3. With the power spring relaxed, and the spring fixation without the
bolts (3) (fig. 9), take away the square key (1) (fig. 9) and uncoil
manually all the hose. In this way, you will be able to uncoil the hose
avoiding the power spring to get tension.
4. Take away the service lid (1) (fig. 7), by loosening the plastic nuts (2)
(fig. 7). No tools are required for this operation.
5. Disconnect the hose from the reel fitting (4) (fig. 7), and keep it to
be able to install it again later on the new spool.
6. Disassemble the latch as show in "latch replacemen" chapter (point 4),
and keep it to be able to install it again later on the new spool.
7. Disassemble the set shaft-swivel (1) (fig. 17). It is not necessary to
disassemble the swivel from the shaft. Use a flat-wrench over the
shaft hexagon, and be sure to do counterforce by introducing an
Allen key 7 mm between faces (1) (fig. 10) inside the brass hexagon
(2) (fig. 10), through the Tensor piece (3) (fig. 10). Avoid to transmit
stress to other hose reel components and don´t aplly lever with the
flat-wrench over the swivel. keep it to be able to install again later
on the new spool.
8. Take apart the base (2) (fig. 17) loosening the bolts (3) (fig. 17).
Keep the base to be able to install again later on the new spool.
9. Loosen the two bolts (4) (fig. 17) which hold one side of the roller
outlet. Keep these bolts to be able to install again later.
10. Loosen the four casing bolts (5) (fig. 16). At this point, you can take
apart both casing sides (6) (fig. 16). Keep the casing to be able to
assemble it again later.
11. With the spool assembly outside the casing, the Tensor piece (1)
(fig. 18) is released, take it apart without disassembly its inner
metalic sheet. Keep it to be able to install again later.
12. Move away the circlip (2) (fig. 18) which keeps the spring fixation
on the spool shaft (4) (fig. 18). Take apart the spring fixation (3)
(fig. 18), without disassembling the bearing located inside it.
Keep all the components to be able to reassembly later.
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13. At the opposite spool side, loosen the bolts (1) (fig. 19) used to fix
14. Replace the spool (3) (fig. 19) by a new one, and procced to
15. Mount the spring fixation (with its bearing inside) (3) (fig. 18)
16. Place the Tensor piece (1) (fig. 18) (with its metal sheet assembled
17. Assemble the other casing side (the one with the service window),
18. Tighten the two roller outlet bolts (4) (fig. 17).
19. Place the shaft-swivel assembly (1) (fig. 17). For doing this, introduce
20. Place the base (2) (fig. 17) in position on the casing, using the sheet
21. Mount the latch assembly on the spool, as shown in chapter "Latch
22. Proceed to assembly the hose as shown in chapter "Hose installation"
the brass shaft (2) (fig. 19) to the spool (3) (fig. 19). Keep all the
components to be able to reassembly later.
reassemble again all the components in reverse order. Begin
assembling the spool brass shaft (2) (fig. 19) tightening the bolts (1)
(fig. 19). To avoid spool damage, do not apply a torque more than
4Nm while tightening these bolts. To be able to assemble the spool
shaft (2) (fig. 19) in the correct position, make sure to assemble it
with the fitting pointing to the spool window (4) (fig. 19).
through the brass shaft, and fasten it in its position using the circlip
(2) (fig. 18).
inside) over the spring fixation (3) (fig. 18). This Tensor piece will be
loose, so hold it with your hand while takind the spool assembly
inside the casing (the one with no service window). Make sure the
Tensor piece fits in the casing central hole.
fitting its central hole on the brass shaft. For a correct assembly
position, the wings which hold the roller outlet, must be aligned.
Join both casing sides by tightening the bolts (5) (fig. 17).
carefully the shaft through the casing bearing, be careful not to
damage the inner sealing ring with the shaft thread. It is
recommended to clean the threads and apply a medium strength
threadlocker in this threaded coupling. For tighten the shaft, it is
needed to do counterforce by introducing an Allen key 7 mm
between faces (1) (fig. 8) inside the brass hexagon (2) (fig. 8),
through the Tensor piece (3) (fig. 8). Avoid to transmit stress to
other hose reel components.
metal screws (3) (fig. 17).
replacement" (points 6 & 7).
(points 5 to 12).
Fig. 17