Installing the DCS800 PC tools on Your computer
After inserting the DCS800 CD all programs and documentation
necessary to work with the DCS800 will be automatically installed.
This includes:
1. DriveWindow Light for parameterization, commissioning and
. Hitachi FDT . for firmware download
3. Installation CD of DCS800 Drive for e.g. DWL Wizard, ABB
4. CoDeSys for 61131 application programming
If You do not want to install a certain program just skip it by using
Cancel at the beginning of the program's wizard.
If the installation routine does not start automatically:
- Go to Start/Run and browse for setup.exe on the CD. Now start
the installation by confirming with OK
- Compact installtion for DriveWindow Light + Commsioning
Wizard + DriveWindow Light AP is reccomended
Steps to connect Drive to PC
• The documentation can be found under
• Remove design cover from the converter module
Remove the DCS800 Control Panel if
present. Depress the locks to remove
the cover
3ADW000191R0500 DCS800 Quick guide edisf e
Connect drive (X34) to your PC COM port
• Start DriveWindow Light PC tool
Check the communication setting of your COM port
If You use USB to COM port interface or PCMCIA / COM ad-
apters double check the active COM enabled
Start => Settings => Control Panel =>
=> Device Manager
COM address of USB interface can change after the next boot
procedure or after disconnecting and reconnecting of the USB
PCMCIA to COM Port provide a stable and faster drive interface.
Utilize DriveWindow Light or DCS800 Panel Wizard continue
with chapter Commissioning in this manual.
For commissioning by DriveWindow find a workspace descripti-
on in the DCS800 Firmware manual.
System => Hardware