necessary, the fi lter should be cleaned, because a clogged fi lter
cannot keep the water clean and also prevents proper system
To clean the fi lter, remove the cover (C) from the skimmer
and follow the steps indicated.
Separate the fi lter folds and clean with a jet of pressurised
If the fi lter is clogged, it is advisable to use specifi c products for
the removal of encrustation and grease, available from authori-
zed Jacuzzi® dealers and service centres.
Refi t, repeating the operations in reverse order.
After cleaning the fi lter, do not re-start the spa until you
have re-assembled all components.
If you need to remove the basket (to clean it, to extract the
perfumed cartridge used for aroma therapy, etc.) press on the zone
indicated so as to release the container. Then detach it by pulling
down on it.
Maintenance of wood parts
The covering panels and the accessories of the Jacuzzi® spas are
made of natural wood of exceptional quality and duration. treated
with advanced products that highlight its natural beauty and ensu-
re protection against the elements.
The panels and accessories fi rst receive a coat of stain, to give the
wood an even shade. Then two coats of synthetic oil are applied,
which give the piece a natural and particularly warm appearance.
Maintenance varies according to the location of the spa and/
or accessories (sheltered from or exposed to the elements).
In any case, you should periodically wash the surfaces with fresh
water and neutral detergent. Then rinse.
Do not use detergents that contain alcohol, scale-removal sub-
stances, ammonia, abrasive products or bleach.
Do not use wax or polish.
At least once a year (or less, depending on the conditions the
wood surfaces are exposed to), do the following:
Lightly sand the surface with an abrasive sponge (or sandpa-
per, grain 320). Do not press too hard, especially near protruding
parts (corners and so on).
Remove all dust. Use a soft-bristled brush to apply a layer of
synthetic oil, fi rst crosswise and then along the entire height of
the panel.
Do not work in direct sunlight, nor if the temperature is espe-
cially cold.
If necessary, remove any excess oil using a microfi ber cloth.
Let dry for about an hour (at 20°C).
Note: tools can be washed with turpentine for subsequent reuse.
Special maintenance
If more extensive restoration is require (for example, if the pro-
tective layer has been damaged in depth), you should thorou-