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Assembly and operating instructions
Notice d'emploi et de montage
LED 系统 灯具
LED system light
Lampe à diodes
DK 7859.000



Resumen de contenidos para Rittal DK 7859.000

  • Página 1 LED 系统 灯具 LED system light Lampe à diodes DK 7859.000 安装和操作说明书 Assembly and operating instructions Notice d'emploi et de montage...
  • Página 2 目录 Contents Sommaire Page Page 页码 Scope of supply Composition de la livraison 供货范围 3 – 4 Device description 3 – 4 Description de l'appareil 3 – 4 产品描述 Safety notes Consignes de sécurité 安全提示 Symbols used Symboles utilisés 3.1. 应用图标 3.2. 目标群体...
  • Página 3 Ní féidir na táirgí seo a úsáid agus a oibriú i dteannta na n-oiriúintí córais atá beartaithe ag Rittal. Ná baintear leas ach amháin as cáblaí ceangail DK 7859.010 agus DK 7859.020 le haghaidh solais LED DK 7859.000.
  • Página 4 Proizvodi se smiju kombinirati i puštati u rad isključivo uz pribor sustava koji predviđa tvrtka Rittal. Prespojni kablovi DK 7859.010 i DK 7859.020 moraju biti korišteni jedino za LED rasvjetu DK 7859.000.
  • Página 5 Connection cables DK 7859.010 and DK 7859.020 must only be used for LED light DK 7859.000. The product must not come into contact with water, aggressive or flammable gases and vapours! The housing must not be opened, and only installed or dismantled in an undamaged and voltage-free condition! The light source of this light fitting must be replaced only by the manufacturer or a service engineer or a competently qualified person instructed by the same.
  • Página 6: Wskazówki Dotyczące Bezpieczeństwa

    é a shuiteáil Ná baintear leas ach amháin as cáblaí ceangail DK 7859.010 agus DK 7859.020 le haghaidh solais LED DK 7859.000. Níor cheart don táirge dul i dteagmháil le huisce, gáis ná gala ionsaitheacha nó inlasta! Níor cheart an chásáil a oscailt, agus níor cheart é a shuiteáil agus a dhíchóimeáil ach amháin i riocht gan damáiste gan voltais! Níor cheart ach amháin don mhonaróir nó...
  • Página 7: Instruções De Segurança

    Cablurile de conexiune DK 7859.010 si DK 7859.020 se vor folosi doar pentru lampa LED DK 7859.000. Produsul nu trebuie să intre în contact cu apa, gazele și vaporii agresivi sau inflamabili! Carcasa nu trebuie deschisă și trebuie montată, respectiv demontată în stare nedeteriorată și scoasă de sub tensiune! Sursa de lumină...
  • Página 8 Priključni kabli DK 7859.010 in DK 7859.020 se smejo uporabljati samo za LED luči DK 7859.000. Izdelek ne sme priti v stik z vodo, agresivnimi in vnetl- jivimi plini ter parami. Ohišja ne smete odpirati, montirate oziroma demontirate pa ga lahko le, če ni poškodovan in ko ni pod napetostjo. Vir svetlobe v tej luči lahko zamenja samo proizvajalec oziroma servisni tehnik ali ustrezno usposobljena oseba, ki jo pooblasti proizvajalec.
  • Página 9: Symboles Utilisés

    3. 安全提示 3. Safety instructions 3. Consignes de sécurité 3.1. 应用图标 3.1. Symbols used 3.1. Symboles utilisés Observe the following safety and other notes Tenir compte des consignes de sécurité et 请遵守以下安全提示和说明书中 in the instructions: autres directives contenues dans cette notice : 的其他提示:...
  • Página 10 If a repair becomes necessary because the device is damaged, disconnect it from the 危险! 对人身和生命造成的 mains immediately and contact Rittal. Si une réparation est nécessaire suite à des The following types of damage, among others, dommages sur l'appareil, mettre celui-ci 潜在危险。...
  • Página 11 4. 废弃处理 4. Disposal 4. Mise au rebut Danger! Danger ! 危险! 可能对产品和环境造成的 Potential threat to the product Danger éventuel pour le produit and its environment. et l'environnement. 潜在危险。 The device must be recycled as electronic Pour la mise au rebut, l'appareil doit être 应将设备回收至 专门的 电气应用废弃处理...
  • Página 12 6. 配光曲线 (LVK) 信息 6. Information on the light distribution curve (LDC) 6. Information sur la courbe DK 7859.000 photométrique (CPM) LED 系统灯具安装说明书/LED system light assembly instructions/Lampes à diodes – Notice de montage...
  • Página 13 TX25/30 7.1. LED 系统灯具安装 7.1. Assembling the LED system light 7.1. Montage des lampes à diodes DK 7859.000 optional 2 x (5.5 x 13) = 4 Nm LED 系统灯具安装说明书/LED system light assembly instructions/Lampes à diodes – Notice de montage...
  • Página 14 TX25/30 7.1. LED 系统灯具安装 7.1. Assembling the LED system light 7.1. Montage des lampes à diodes DK 7859.000 optional 2 x (5.5 x 13) = 4 Nm 通过SZ2373.000支架安装在箱体外壳 Mounting in the enclosure with universal bracket Model No. SZ 2373.000 Montage dans l'armoire avec èquerre universelle référence SZ 2373.000...
  • Página 15 7.1. LED 系统照明安装 7.1. Assembling the LED system light 7.1. Montage des lampes à diodes DK 7859.000 机柜宽度 ≥ 600 mm Enclosure width ≥ 600 mm Largeur d'armoire ≥ 600 mm 必须用力将门位置开关的电源线插入至灯具的插口中。 Considerable force must be used when inserting the connector of the door-operated switch into the light.
  • Página 16 8. 电路图 DK 7859.000 8. Wiring diagrams 8. Plans de raccordement AUTO 开关位置/Switch position/Positions de l'interrupteur AUTO LED 系统灯具安装说明书/LED system light assembly instructions/Lampes à diodes – Notice de montage...
  • Página 17 灯具DK7859.000可以通过磁铁固定 Magnet mounting kit 2500.490 (magnets are supplied loose with light DK 7859.000) Kit de fixation magnétique (les aimants sont joints à la lampe DK 7859.000) 请在稳定环境下进行作业.适用 Suitable for static operating condi- À utiliser uniquement dans des 于-10℃至+50℃的环境。 tions only. Suitable for use within conditions de fonctionnement 被黏贴表面必须保持清洁,干...
  • Página 18 10. 技术信息 10. Technical information 10. Caractéristiques techniques 订货号 SZ Model No. SZ 7859.000 Référence SZ 电气连接负载/Electrical ratings/Puissances électriques 额定功率 Rated output 7 W, 600 lm Puissance nominale 额定电压 100 – 230 V AC ± 10 % Rated voltage 时/at/à 50 – 60 Hz Tension nominale 100 V AC/230 V AC 时的额定电流...
  • Página 19 Nos 5 plateformes après-vente stratégiques en Allemagne, aux USA, au Brésil, en Chine et en Inde constituent les bases pour garantir un service après-vente mondial rapide et efficace en s'appuyant sur le réseau de toutes les filiales et agents Rittal à travers le monde.
  • Página 20 ◾ Climate Control ◾ IT Infrastructure ◾ Software & Services You can find the contact details of all Rittal companies throughout the world here. RITTAL GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 1662 · D-35726 Herborn Phone +49(0)2772 505-0 · Fax +49(0)2772 505-2319...