How to use headphone output terminals
Examples of use
To use 16 to 64 ohms impedance headphones:
Use the output terminal with ❹ 0.1 ohms output impedance.
When you use the output terminal with low impedance, high-resolution, powerful sound will be produced.
When you use the output terminal with high impedance, rich sound in the low-mids will be produced.
To use 100 ohms or higher impedance headphones:
Use the output terminal with the output impedance of your choice.
When you use the output terminal with low impedance, high-resolution, tight sound will be produced.
When you use the output terminal with high impedance, rich sound in the low-mids will be produced.
To use balanced armature-based earbud headphones:
When balanced armature-based earbud headphones for a single unit are used, use any output terminal of
your choice.
When balanced armature-based earbud headphones for two or more units are used, use the output terminal
with ❹ 0.1 ohms output impedance.
When an output terminal with high impedance is used, you may not get good frequency characteristics.
To use different impedance headphones and make volume levels uniform:
(Connect two headphones to outputs A and B.)
Connect the higher impedance headphones to the output terminal with ❹ 0.1 ohms output impedance.
Select the output terminal with ❶ 120 ohms, ❷ 82 ohms, or ❸ 33 ohms output impedance, so that the volume
level of the two headphones becomes the same. Since different headphones have different output sound
pressure levels, you may not get the same volume level.
This product has two headphone outputs.
Connect one headphone to output A, one to output B.
Select and use the output terminal to your liking with reference to the following