List of pictograms used
Wireless weather station
Congratulations on your purchase. You have selected a quality product.
The instructions for use are a part of the product. They contain import-
ant information about the safety, use and disposal of the product. Before
using the product, please learn about all the safety information and
usage instructions. Only use the product as described and for the speci-
fied applications. If you lend the product to someone else, please also
give all the instructions.
Intended use
This product displays the indoor and outdoor temperature, indoor and
outdoor humidity, and barometric pressure. It features a radio-controlled
clock and several alarm functions. The expected weather trend is calcu-
lated based on data collected. The product is not intended for commer-
cial purposes.
296586_1901_aur_Funk-Wetterstation_Content_US.indd 6
Direct current
Safety class II
Radio controlled
24.06.19 11:47